More than 500 new tools (wheels and core drills
for flat glass processing) 10 Euros each
(Value from 30 Euros up to more than 100 Euros)
A very important french flat glass processing company sells for a very very small price symbolique more than 500 new tools he is not using.anymore from german and Italian suppliers
More than 70 different core drills diameter for drilling ( from 4 mm)
List of diameters available on inquiry
Also avaoable more than 400 m² glass Matelux Light Ipawhite 4mm, dimensions 3210 x 2250mm
( 58 feuilles glass sheets).
For more information or to contact the french company, please contact us on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or by phone 00 33 664 73 63 77. Merci