Glass story : the first steps
In the nature the glass exists :
-It can come from :
The obsidian (generally green or black) has been used during the prehistory (the oldest tools with obsidian has been manufactured 100 000 years ago) and changed in tools, weapons, jewels, mirrors (inside which it was possible to see his own soul!)
Obsidian piece.
Obisidian knive.
Obsidian jewels
-from meteorites
When a meteorite drops on sand
-From the lightning, when a lightning flash touches sand
Every time glass is created it is because there are extreme temperature and pressure conditions.
But a lot more amazing is that glass is also synthesized in very large quantities in ocean by seaweeds or inside some sponges skeletons.
Yes it is glass!
Seaweeds called "diatomés" have a very delicate glass shell. The glass synthesis is done here by a chemical reaction.
The glass production from seaweeds is huge, a lot more important than the industrial production.
This organic glass is also called "opale" used in jewelry
Two Opales samples.
But the oldest glasses have been discovered on ….the moon during the Apollo missions.
Glass discovery:
The glass was discovered by accident during metal working or inside potter’s furnaces.
The metal working is going to remove the glass from the weapons or tools using to focus it in jewelry, decoration or religious using.
The oldest glasses coming from human work are from 3000 years before JC. Some small statues, beads and jewels were found in Middle East.
During this period the glass is not transparent because the impurities remaining inside the glass.