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Comascotec team
Comascotec it’s a new virtual World where you can find whatever you need about glass or stone business, Mr Leboulet always has different options to help you and He knows many people and factories that can be your potential partner, provider or buyer. It’s been a great experience to work with Comascotec and belong to its big community.
Orlando Gomez, Saint-Gobain Colombia
Second Fair website is a very exciting and original project and we feel lucky to be part of it.
Mr Leboutet knew how to imagine an ideal solution, making it possible for craftsmen and entrepreneurs, who are very busy, to meet with machine suppliers for stone and glass treatment, only with some clics and at any time. The number of visitors happened to be really impressive already after a very short time, which proves this website meets a real need.
Exhibitors thus benefit from a true 24/24 basic office, without any logistics or constraints, available for potential customers who were oriented towards them through a very efficient and sharp Search Engine Optimization process. It is a very powerful and very innovative prospecting tool.
This website goes on evolving and gets richer and richer, thanks to his designer’s creativity and to his perfect knowledge of all needs of all actors in these areas. An always growing number of visitors can be expected.
Réjane Seles
Comascotec is a successfull way of doing business on stone markets in today's environment. Stone business requires knowledge and Comascotec offers high quality information and links for the industry business persons. It is a great tool to deal on stone processing business, machines and tools.
Diego Sanchez
Peru-International Trading- Peru
We wish to express, that the relationship we have with the signing Comascotec in the person of Mr. Alain Leboutet is still very interesting and successful, thanks to the relationships we are starting with potential partners across Europe , as well as the contacts are related to the Second Fair online.
Modesto Regoyos, Spain
I have been worked for Glass proccessing for 12 years and now I have started my own company. During my business life I got many helps from several suppliers but when I met with Mr.Alain Lebloutet it was great chance for me. I got several benefits from his services which he provided us by his company’s web pages and Thanks to his company for helping us about Glass market. This is good oportunity for us everytime when we need helping, information or want solve problems that he can always find solution for us.
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