Semi-automatic machines to carry out vanity top, kitchen top..
These machines are a step between the traditional stone processing by hand and the fully automatic numerical control machine. They are a useful help, but always need to have a skilled and trained operator to drive it.
They consist in a spindle in vertical position, where the tools are installed. This spindle is fixed on an arm allowing the operator to move the spindle in a horizontal plan.
The machine workS generally with an open water circuit
Dependind their caracteristics and options they can do
-external and internal polishing
-milling (or opening for exemple)
-polished slanted planes
Machine from Ravelli
The maximum rotation speed for the spindle is a key point, allowing or not the milling cutting (opening). Depending the milling cutter suppliers these roation speed can be very hight (up to 10000 rpm)
The main options
-Possibility or not to inclinate the granite to carry out slanted plane
-Possibility to follow a template
-Possibility to have a motorized table for "automatic" edge polishing.
-Z axe motorized
Some additional remarks
Depending the options chosen your budget can reach the one for a numerical control machine.
This machine (and also a cnc machine) means to change the workshop way of working and selling. This machine works with specific set of tools for each thickness and profiles. So you can only propose to your customer the edges for which you have bought the wheels.