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Miroiterie : Flabeg France qui avait changé de propriétaire en 2007 placé en liquidation judiciaire




Flabeg France, installé à Sarrewerden, dans le Bas-Rhin, était l'un des derniers sites en Europe de production de miroirs de rétroviseurs et de pare-soleil pour l’industrie automobile. L'entreprise a été placée en liquidation judiciaire par la chambre commerciale du tribunal de Saverne. La maison mère, allemande, avait annoncé à la mi-janvier le dépôt de bilan de cette filiale.

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Cevino achète BMV


Le groupe nordiste de produits verriers Cevino Glass avance en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Il vient de racheter BMV, une entreprise de Feyzin (Rhône) spécialisée dans la trempe du verre plat. Cette activité représente 4 millions d'euros de CA avec plus de 20 salariés.

« Cette acquisition présente un caractère stratégique », témoigne Thierry Gautier, président fondateur du groupe Cevino (Dubrulle...) « BMV permet à Cevino Glass de renforcer sa présence en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et d'y jouer des synergies avec Lukora, une entreprise de Tarare, dans le Rhône, acquise en 2020. » Cette dernière, réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 9 millions d'euros avec 50 salariés.


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La miroiterie Targe, championne d’Europe de miroiterie avec Laure Vereecken


Travaillant à la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, Laura Vereecken est de plus la toute première championne d'Europe de miroiterie. Un titre, obtenu en 2021, qu'elle doit… un peu au hasard.

Dans une profession qui reste encore très masculine, Laura Vereecken est une pionnière. Elle est, et restera, la première à avoir inscrit son nom au palmarès des Euroskills en catégorie miroiterie"Avant 2021, année où j'ai gagné, l'épreuve n'existait pas", indique la jeune miroitière qui, a 26 ans, est salariée de la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, depuis deux ans.

Un succès que la Nordiste d’origine doit presque au hasard. "Tout a commencé lors d'une journée portes ouvertes dans un lycée pro de Tourcoing. Je voulais me renseigner sur la sérigraphie ou l'ébénisterie mais je me suis perdu et suis tombée devant le stand de miroiterie." Une révélation.

Pour Laura Verrecken, la divine surprise des Euroskills miroiterie

Un CAP en poche, elle s'inscrit finalement en brevet des métiers d'art et découvre les Worldskills. "C'est un formateur, expert national, qui m'a poussé à m'inscrire." Gagnante de l'épreuve régionale, elle termine ensuite troisième des finales nationales, en 2018, à Caen. "Et là, j'ai eu un coup de chance, puisque les deux candidats qui m'avaient précédé ont déclaré forfait pour les championnats d'Europe."


Et une autre médaille d’Or pour la miroiterie Targe


le Graal pour Lilian Vallet

Le jeune apprenti, en alternance au sein de la Miroiterie Targe, a remporté la seule médaille d’or régionale pour la filière bâtiment et travaux publics.

Une image parle souvent plus fort que les mots. Pour s’en convaincre, il suffit de jeter un coup d’œil à la cérémonie de clôture des Worldskills et à la joie qui a envahi Lilian Vallet à l’annonce des résultats de l’épreuve de miroiterie. Médaillé d’or, le représentant de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes a eu du mal à cacher son émotion. Dans sa tête défilait sûrement tout le travail parcouru pour arriver à ce fantastique résultat…

Pour lui, tout a démarré à l’âge de 15 ans. "J’ai commencé par un CAP en menuiserie aluminium et verre, au CFA de Dardilly, explique le jeune de 19 ans, originaire de Chalon-sur-Saône. Et j’ai poursuivi par deux ans de BP avant de débuter un bac pro au lycée professionnel Gustave-Eiffel, en alternance au sein de l’entreprise Miroiterie Targe." Un choix de carrière que le tout récent médaillé d’or ne regrette pas. "J’ai découvert le métier de miroitier lors de ma formation au CFA. Ça m’a tout de suite beaucoup plu. Surtout qu’en choisissant cette voie, j’avais la possibilité de participer aux Worldskills."

Ce concours, il l’a pourtant commencé sans vraiment trop y croire. "C’est Laurent Gressard, formateur à Dardilly, qui m’en avait parlé. Mais je me suis lancé un peu comme ça, sans grand esprit de compétition." Rapidement, Lilian Vallet s’est tout de même pris au jeu jusqu’à se préparer pendant des semaines pour la phase deux des finales. "Je savais que pour réussir, il allait falloir être très bon." Et il le serait jusqu’au bout

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Actionnariat salarié dans le groupe Riou Glass



La direction du groupe de miroiteries Riou Glass a décidé d’abonder à hauteur de 500 000 Euros afin d’inciter son personnel français ( 1000 salariés environs) à participer au capital de la société.

Selon la présidente du groupe Christine Riou Feron, ceci « a pour objectif de redonner du sens au travail et de partager la création de valeur de la société Riou glass »



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News for flat glass processing markets. April 2016.


Discovery of the oldest glass furnaces Israel near Mount Carmel


glassmaking furnaces dating back to the late Roman era were discovered at the foot of Mount Carmel, between junctions Ha-Amakim and Yagur, announced Monday the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA). This archaeological discovery is further evidence of the place occupied by the Israeli glass industry on the international stage.

Israel, a major glass production center

Furnaces glass splinters, discovered during excavations carried out in the framework of a railway project underway in the Jezreel Valley, prove that Israel was indeed a leading glass production centers of the ancient world .


"This is a very important discovery with implications for the history of the glass industry both in Israel and in the entire ancient world," says Yael Gorin-Rosen, chief curator of the department glassware in the AIA. He added: "We know from historical sources dating back to the Roman era that the Acre Valley was famous for the excellent quality of its sand, particularly suitable for the manufacture of glass. Chemical analyzes of glass utensils from this period discovered in European sites and wrecks of sunken ships in the Mediterranean region have proved that the glass is rooted in our region. Now, furnaces have been discovered, for the first time, where the raw material used to manufacture the glassware was produced. "


The extraordinary results of these almost accidental excavations have attracted glass experts worldwide. "This sensational discovery is of great interest for the understanding of all the glass trade system in antiquity. Here we have evidence that Israel was a production center of international importance; his drink was widely distributed in Europe and all the Mediterranean countries, "says Professor Ian Freestone of the University College London, an expert in the identification of the chemical composition of the glass.

The site was located by Abdel Salam Al-Sa'id, an inspector of AIA who oversaw the construction of the new railway line linking Haifa to the east. The archaeologist, whose task is to ensure that the work does not affect sites that may have historical significance, discovered pieces of raw glass, antique stalls and a layer of ash in a trench. "We also found pieces of glazed bricks from the walls and ceiling of the oven," says the director of excavations.

Industrial production for a growing market


Furnaces included two compartments: a combustion chamber where burning kindling to obtain a very high temperature, and a melting chamber in which the raw materials (the pure sand and salt) were inserted and then fused to a temperature of about 1200 Co. The glass was then heated for one to two weeks, until huge pieces of raw glass are formed. Some weighed over 10 tons. At the end of the production process, the ovens were cooled and the glass pieces were broken into smaller pieces and sold to workshops where they were re-melted to produce glassware.

The use of glass has largely developed in early Roman times, because of its characteristics very popular: its transparency, beauty, delicacy and manufactured utensils and speed production blow. Become a necessity in every home of the Roman Empire, glass was produced in industrial quantities in specialized centers. The site discovered in the Zvoulon Valley is an excellent example of such glass manufacturing centers.

Remember also that the edict of Maximum, issued 301 of the vulgar era by the Roman emperor Diocletian, mentions two types of glass: the first known under the name Judea glass (that is to say, the Land of Israel) and the second glass of Alexandria (Egypt). The glass Judea was light green and cheaper than Egyptian glass. This discovery now allows to locate one of the centers where this had occurred prized commodity in the Roman Empire.

The ovens will be transferred to the regional school "Carmel Zvoulon" and exposed to the public in a few months.


Mr Mercier At Bottero France

He joined the Bottero Group to handle the marketing of the range machinery for flat glass on the western half of France. Mr. Mercier is well known in France on the market of mirrors where he held several technical manager.


New job for Mr Piscina in France

The former leader of the mirrors Technidécors left Bottero he joined there more than a year as a sales engineer to join the mirrors Parmentier.  Then left Parmentier some week ago to join Intermac.


New web site for Bavelloni

Bavelloni SpA announces the launch of their new web site., the new Bavelloni SpA web site is now online. Easy-to-navigate, accessible on PC, tablet and smartphone, the site intends to mirror the Company, where tradition and experience evolve in a dynamic and modern context. By this new web platform, now available in Italian and English, Bavelloni SpA will be closer to their customers: this project represents a milestone for relaunching the brand globally. Design and innovation have always been Bavelloni’s goals and the site is perfectly in line with that. The products are in the foreground: strong impact images and contents showing Bavelloni technological solutions in a clear and immediate way. The site also includes a session focused on the Company’s long history, an overview of after-sales services and some galleries with case histories, events and the wide Bavelloni SpA sales partners’ network all over the world in a glance.


Riou glass invests in Canada

Nicolas Riou, director general of the French family group Riou Glass, a leading player on the French market of the window, takes a stake in the ThermoVer flat glass processing company, located in Saint-Léonard, near Montreal.

This young Canadian 80 employees company, founded in 2015, transforms glass products to professionals of the carpentry, the facade and the interior.

This is not directly Riou Glass that performs this external growth operation but a new entity called "Riou Glass" which Nicolas Riou is the main shareholder and the Riou group, a minority shareholder. The contractor, son of the founder of Glass Riou Pierre Riou, becomes co-chair of the Canadian Thermover.

Thermover serve as an entry point Riou Glass for the manufacture and distribution of its latest technological innovations in Canada. Including Calorglass launched by industrialist in 2015, transforming the glass walls in an electric heating system by radiation.


AGC Glass Europe to refurbish its Cuneo float plant (Italy) in 2017


AGC Glass Europe has planned to carry out the refurbishment of its Cuneo float glass line in Cuneo (Piemont, Italy). This investment of around 25 million euros is decided not only by the positive impact that it will have on the productivity of the plant and the expected environmental benefits, but also by the prospect of extending its current range of products.

The refurbishment including design improvements will significantly boost the plant’s capacity and reduce its energy consumption, with a corresponding positive impact on its yield and product quality. The reduced energy consumption will also mean a large reduction in atmospheric emissions, with 50% less CO (carbon monoxide), 14% less CO2 (carbon dioxide) and 30% less NOx (nitrogen oxides). This improved environmental performance in turn will make the plant eligible for the energy certification system operated by the Italian government, with subsidies granted over a period of five years in proportion to the energy savings achieved.

Together with the future gains expected from the cogeneration project, these developments will significantly boost the competitiveness of the Cuneo plant.


Receivership Peinture Miroiterie Sols, France.


Painting Miroiterie Sols acting as the Pms located in Bagnolet (Seine-Saint-Denis) was declared in receivership by the court of Bobigny Court Of Commerce. The RCS number of this case is 317,693,067.


Tempered glass for diving mask.

Specializing in optics for the sport for 65 years, Demetz launching a new range of diving mask adapted to both scuba diving at snorkeling.

The model, called X-Vision Ultra Liquidskin, brings comfort and ergonomics with its adjustable buckles quick fastener attached to an ultra flexible skirt. Side materials, the silicone was used for the skirt and strap while the mask in "tri-comfort", a flexible material, provides maximum comfort during frequent or long dives. With a wide field of view and a small volume of air inside, this product allows to explore and enjoy the seabed in the best conditions.

The mask is equipped with glass lenses soaked in order to improve its mechanical properties. Its resistance is two to five times higher than traditional glass and ensures more security in case of breakage.

Various possibilities lenses are proposed: colorless glasses, black glasses, silvered or gilded mirrors.


Glass. Transparency and reflection


Where would our civilization without glass? What would we be if man had not invented this material and its applications, windows, mirrors, containers, lentils .... ? What is the importance of glass in our progress?

The glass appears to be an essential material of our civilization, especially if one adds his contributions in the field of art (stained glass, mosaic ....).

Serge Bramby analysis in this book, civilization by civilization that brought this material as the technical side as artistic or scientific.


Serge Bramly

Transparency and reflection

JC Lattes



Vie et verandas is growing

Vie and verandas which ended 2015 with a turnover of 30 million Euros representing 3% of the French market's objective is to reach 50 million euros in 2020 increasing by 50% its number of commercial agencies .

Lyonnaise 250 employees (based in Feyzin) is still controlled by the family Pinoncély which bought the company in 1996. The Verandas (half aluminum half wood) are all manufactured in the Feyzin where they go to shop glass already integrated for mounting on the customers site.

The company recently invested in its range Verandas wood in a sanding machine and a new cutting line for aluminum range.