Edging, polishing machine for flat edge for stone
This machine is able to edge and polish rectilinear stone sides for flat edge and arises.
The material (stone, granite or marble) is moved thanks to a horizontal conveyor. The wheels (wheels for edge and for arises) are fix.
The polishing wheels number (from 4 up to 12 and more) is on option, depending the thickness, the quality and the speed requirements.
Multi-spindle polishing machine from Montresor
In option, it is possible to have
-A second or third wheel for each bevel
-A calibrating spindle on the machine inlet conveyor
Calibrating spindle from Montresor
One or more disks on the top
One disk can rock to work on the material edge
The polishing spindles can be fix or with a slight motion to increase the cutting capability and the polishing quality
The spindles can be directly connected on the motors or with a belt.
The wheels cooling can be done through the spindle center or from ouside.
The lubrification systeme can be centralized or not and automatic or not.