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Miroiterie : Flabeg France qui avait changé de propriétaire en 2007 placé en liquidation judiciaire




Flabeg France, installé à Sarrewerden, dans le Bas-Rhin, était l'un des derniers sites en Europe de production de miroirs de rétroviseurs et de pare-soleil pour l’industrie automobile. L'entreprise a été placée en liquidation judiciaire par la chambre commerciale du tribunal de Saverne. La maison mère, allemande, avait annoncé à la mi-janvier le dépôt de bilan de cette filiale.

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Cevino achète BMV


Le groupe nordiste de produits verriers Cevino Glass avance en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Il vient de racheter BMV, une entreprise de Feyzin (Rhône) spécialisée dans la trempe du verre plat. Cette activité représente 4 millions d'euros de CA avec plus de 20 salariés.

« Cette acquisition présente un caractère stratégique », témoigne Thierry Gautier, président fondateur du groupe Cevino (Dubrulle...) « BMV permet à Cevino Glass de renforcer sa présence en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et d'y jouer des synergies avec Lukora, une entreprise de Tarare, dans le Rhône, acquise en 2020. » Cette dernière, réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 9 millions d'euros avec 50 salariés.


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La miroiterie Targe, championne d’Europe de miroiterie avec Laure Vereecken


Travaillant à la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, Laura Vereecken est de plus la toute première championne d'Europe de miroiterie. Un titre, obtenu en 2021, qu'elle doit… un peu au hasard.

Dans une profession qui reste encore très masculine, Laura Vereecken est une pionnière. Elle est, et restera, la première à avoir inscrit son nom au palmarès des Euroskills en catégorie miroiterie"Avant 2021, année où j'ai gagné, l'épreuve n'existait pas", indique la jeune miroitière qui, a 26 ans, est salariée de la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, depuis deux ans.

Un succès que la Nordiste d’origine doit presque au hasard. "Tout a commencé lors d'une journée portes ouvertes dans un lycée pro de Tourcoing. Je voulais me renseigner sur la sérigraphie ou l'ébénisterie mais je me suis perdu et suis tombée devant le stand de miroiterie." Une révélation.

Pour Laura Verrecken, la divine surprise des Euroskills miroiterie

Un CAP en poche, elle s'inscrit finalement en brevet des métiers d'art et découvre les Worldskills. "C'est un formateur, expert national, qui m'a poussé à m'inscrire." Gagnante de l'épreuve régionale, elle termine ensuite troisième des finales nationales, en 2018, à Caen. "Et là, j'ai eu un coup de chance, puisque les deux candidats qui m'avaient précédé ont déclaré forfait pour les championnats d'Europe."


Et une autre médaille d’Or pour la miroiterie Targe


le Graal pour Lilian Vallet

Le jeune apprenti, en alternance au sein de la Miroiterie Targe, a remporté la seule médaille d’or régionale pour la filière bâtiment et travaux publics.

Une image parle souvent plus fort que les mots. Pour s’en convaincre, il suffit de jeter un coup d’œil à la cérémonie de clôture des Worldskills et à la joie qui a envahi Lilian Vallet à l’annonce des résultats de l’épreuve de miroiterie. Médaillé d’or, le représentant de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes a eu du mal à cacher son émotion. Dans sa tête défilait sûrement tout le travail parcouru pour arriver à ce fantastique résultat…

Pour lui, tout a démarré à l’âge de 15 ans. "J’ai commencé par un CAP en menuiserie aluminium et verre, au CFA de Dardilly, explique le jeune de 19 ans, originaire de Chalon-sur-Saône. Et j’ai poursuivi par deux ans de BP avant de débuter un bac pro au lycée professionnel Gustave-Eiffel, en alternance au sein de l’entreprise Miroiterie Targe." Un choix de carrière que le tout récent médaillé d’or ne regrette pas. "J’ai découvert le métier de miroitier lors de ma formation au CFA. Ça m’a tout de suite beaucoup plu. Surtout qu’en choisissant cette voie, j’avais la possibilité de participer aux Worldskills."

Ce concours, il l’a pourtant commencé sans vraiment trop y croire. "C’est Laurent Gressard, formateur à Dardilly, qui m’en avait parlé. Mais je me suis lancé un peu comme ça, sans grand esprit de compétition." Rapidement, Lilian Vallet s’est tout de même pris au jeu jusqu’à se préparer pendant des semaines pour la phase deux des finales. "Je savais que pour réussir, il allait falloir être très bon." Et il le serait jusqu’au bout

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Actionnariat salarié dans le groupe Riou Glass



La direction du groupe de miroiteries Riou Glass a décidé d’abonder à hauteur de 500 000 Euros afin d’inciter son personnel français ( 1000 salariés environs) à participer au capital de la société.

Selon la présidente du groupe Christine Riou Feron, ceci « a pour objectif de redonner du sens au travail et de partager la création de valeur de la société Riou glass »




Used stone machines Comascotec

Stone newsletter. November 2018

A new team for the next marble festival, France

For several years, Marie Penetro has participated in courses organized as part of the summer festival, sculpture and marble at St. Beat.


The presidency of the association "Marbles and Arts" in Saint-Beat has changed hands. At the general assembly which was held on November 10 in the presence of about forty participants, the president Séverine Aït-Cheikh passed the torch to Marie Penetro, all confident for the continuation of the festival. Annick Peremiquel has been kept in her position as treasurer; Maryline Calestroupat proposed to resume the duties of secretary. "I really want to thank Séverine for the way she has passed the baton," says Marie Penetro, who is familiar with the association and its sculpture and marble festival in which she participated for 8 years: at the marble workshop but also to those of stone and bronze. Marie Penetro is a professional painter in the Gers, but remains the child of the country: de Fos where she kept family ties. It is thus by answering the call for candidacy launched by Séverine Aït-Cheikh that Marie finds herself projecting at the head of the association, with by her side, the return of Jean-Jacques Abdallah, formerly and again at the controls artistic coordination. "The festival is important to me. My application was spontaneous. This festival is a nugget for Saint-Beat and the territory elsewhere. It must be recognized at its true value, at the height of what it is and truly represents. Quality will be one of the strong points on which we will work to make this festival even more prestigious. There is also a lot of work to be done in terms of communication and for that, we can count on the help of Quentin Batiot. He is a student and volunteers to work on this indispensable point, "explains Marie, who like her predecessor, has the same fierce desire to see local and departmental politicians get involved. "The marble festival is a real tourist and economic asset. Everyone has to own it, "she says. The newly established team has already turned to the 2019 festival. A task, and not least for all volunteers who will take over the organization of this major event in Comminges.



Sale of the marble company Bar, in France

After 40 years in the "Bar House", the family business created by his grandfather both stonemason and sculptor Guillaume in 1929, taken over by his father, Pierre, and his mother in 1959, and by herself Since 1992 and their retirement, Nadine Bar says "sell with confidence and relief his business funeral-funerary funerary chamber Funeral Chambéry Chambéry and Associated Commons Chambery (PFCCA). Nadine Bar will continue to advise in the 400 square meter store in Modane, just as the headmaster of Mauritian private operator Jérôme Gazzino keeps his prerogatives at the workshop. In spite of the repurchase, the Modan society keeps its name of "funeral of the Vanoise", under which it is well identified in the valley.


Portugal: A landslide causes at least 5 deaths near a marble quarry

A landslide in Portugal destroyed part of the road that ran along marble quarries and caused the death of d

WEAKNESSES A landslide resulted in the death of 5 people in southeastern Portugal, four more are missing. The damage is impressive: a road was partially destroyed.

At least five people were killed on Monday following a landslide that partially destroyed a road running through a marble quarry in southeastern Portugal, emergency services said. Four others were missing.



"The 5 casualties are quarry workers who were in this area during the landslide," José Ribeiro, commander of the Evora District Civil Protection, told the media.

According to the medical emergency service (Inem), the four missing persons were on board "two civilian vehicles" traveling on the road that collapsed into a "50-meter deep" crevasse.

The vehicles would have fallen into a basin formed at the end of the quarry, making it difficult to search for missing persons.

The region of Borba, located some 200 kilometers east of the capital Lisbon, is renowned for its many marble quarries since ancient times.



CTMNC Technical Day Wednesday 03 April 2019

We are pleased to inform you that the CTMNC is organizing its 12th Technical Day on Wednesday 03 April 2019 at SNROC (3, rue Alfred Roll - 75017 Paris) on the theme:


"Prescribe well in natural stone"


The program and a registration form will be available soon.


Please note in your diaries this date of Wednesday 03 April 2019, come and let us know!


Rocalia 2019: The halls fill up in Lyon.

We are now at one year from the opening of the second edition of the Salon Rocalia, natural stone show to be held in Lyon (3-5 December 2019) and the exhibition space has been filled in recent weeks . The success of the first edition led many exhibitors of 2017 to renew their participation, very often by increasing their booth space. Many others who were there in 2017 are also being renewed and new ones have slipped into the collective.



Grand Marbrerie ceases activity in Bulle, Switzerland  20 jobs deleted

After 70 years in the field of marble, the bull company R. Grand & Fils SA, one of the important Swiss mills will cease its activity next spring. The twenty people concerned will receive their salaries until the end of the contractual deadlines.

It is a historical company of the Bulloise place which ceases its activity. Active for 70 years in the marble, R. Grand & Fils SA will indeed close its doors in the spring of next year.

According to the owners, Grand brothers the two sectors in which the company operates are in a negative trend. "There is the funeral art that sees more and more people choosing cremation rather than burial, and the building whose foreign competition has become extremely strong," the company writes in a statement.

But according to some sources of the granite market in Switzerland the marble company also pays its difficulties to evolve.


Ecological Marbriers of France create their own structure

On the initiative of Philippe Ledrans (Marbrerie des Yvelines) and some other French marble decorators, the Association of Ecological Marble Mills of France was created on June 1, 2018 ...


Tender, granite statue  in France


As part of the development of the town, elected officials wanted to highlight the granite. This development of granite has already begun with the exhibition "The stone song" of the sculptor Jean-Yves Menez, who died in 2016. She is behind the church. Now the town has a second project which is the installation of a monumental sculpture on the church square. The call for projects has just been launched on the following theme: "Tribute to granite: its past, present or future".

This project will be done in collaboration with the company Marc SA and Eric Hillion, who will open a workshop on its site Languédias to allow the realization of the easiest possible work. "It's a matter of paying tribute to the soil and the people who worked this stone, the picous, and the granite basin," said Christian Gicquel, ajdoint and in charge of the file.


The quarry will provide the required block (s) and it will be offered three colors (pearl gray, red and beige), knowing that the three colors can be used. The project is open to professionals or artists, either individually, as a team or via an association. The candidate will have to propose his vision of the work supported by a sketch and a short description (it will be refused copies of work). Submission of the files no later than February 28, 2019. The choice will be decided in committee. The project could begin in April 2019 and last six weeks.



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Sale lot quartz slabs


QUARTZ slabs batch - sacrificed price -65%

Due to the discontinuation of Quartz and Composites, a marble factory sells its stock at a shock price. Whole slabs, of different colors and thicknesses (listing on request), protected from climatic aggressions. About 160M2, to be withdrawn in only 1 time, in 1 point of storage.

Price of sale of the lot: 4000 € HT or 25 € HT M2 (purchase value of the lot: 12 000 € HT).


Location: Provence Côte d'Azur. France


For a list of slices and colors and go to the park slabs contact us on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 00 33 664 73 63 77. Thank you