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Miroiterie : Flabeg France qui avait changé de propriétaire en 2007 placé en liquidation judiciaire




Flabeg France, installé à Sarrewerden, dans le Bas-Rhin, était l'un des derniers sites en Europe de production de miroirs de rétroviseurs et de pare-soleil pour l’industrie automobile. L'entreprise a été placée en liquidation judiciaire par la chambre commerciale du tribunal de Saverne. La maison mère, allemande, avait annoncé à la mi-janvier le dépôt de bilan de cette filiale.

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Cevino achète BMV


Le groupe nordiste de produits verriers Cevino Glass avance en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Il vient de racheter BMV, une entreprise de Feyzin (Rhône) spécialisée dans la trempe du verre plat. Cette activité représente 4 millions d'euros de CA avec plus de 20 salariés.

« Cette acquisition présente un caractère stratégique », témoigne Thierry Gautier, président fondateur du groupe Cevino (Dubrulle...) « BMV permet à Cevino Glass de renforcer sa présence en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et d'y jouer des synergies avec Lukora, une entreprise de Tarare, dans le Rhône, acquise en 2020. » Cette dernière, réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 9 millions d'euros avec 50 salariés.


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La miroiterie Targe, championne d’Europe de miroiterie avec Laure Vereecken


Travaillant à la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, Laura Vereecken est de plus la toute première championne d'Europe de miroiterie. Un titre, obtenu en 2021, qu'elle doit… un peu au hasard.

Dans une profession qui reste encore très masculine, Laura Vereecken est une pionnière. Elle est, et restera, la première à avoir inscrit son nom au palmarès des Euroskills en catégorie miroiterie"Avant 2021, année où j'ai gagné, l'épreuve n'existait pas", indique la jeune miroitière qui, a 26 ans, est salariée de la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, depuis deux ans.

Un succès que la Nordiste d’origine doit presque au hasard. "Tout a commencé lors d'une journée portes ouvertes dans un lycée pro de Tourcoing. Je voulais me renseigner sur la sérigraphie ou l'ébénisterie mais je me suis perdu et suis tombée devant le stand de miroiterie." Une révélation.

Pour Laura Verrecken, la divine surprise des Euroskills miroiterie

Un CAP en poche, elle s'inscrit finalement en brevet des métiers d'art et découvre les Worldskills. "C'est un formateur, expert national, qui m'a poussé à m'inscrire." Gagnante de l'épreuve régionale, elle termine ensuite troisième des finales nationales, en 2018, à Caen. "Et là, j'ai eu un coup de chance, puisque les deux candidats qui m'avaient précédé ont déclaré forfait pour les championnats d'Europe."


Et une autre médaille d’Or pour la miroiterie Targe


le Graal pour Lilian Vallet

Le jeune apprenti, en alternance au sein de la Miroiterie Targe, a remporté la seule médaille d’or régionale pour la filière bâtiment et travaux publics.

Une image parle souvent plus fort que les mots. Pour s’en convaincre, il suffit de jeter un coup d’œil à la cérémonie de clôture des Worldskills et à la joie qui a envahi Lilian Vallet à l’annonce des résultats de l’épreuve de miroiterie. Médaillé d’or, le représentant de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes a eu du mal à cacher son émotion. Dans sa tête défilait sûrement tout le travail parcouru pour arriver à ce fantastique résultat…

Pour lui, tout a démarré à l’âge de 15 ans. "J’ai commencé par un CAP en menuiserie aluminium et verre, au CFA de Dardilly, explique le jeune de 19 ans, originaire de Chalon-sur-Saône. Et j’ai poursuivi par deux ans de BP avant de débuter un bac pro au lycée professionnel Gustave-Eiffel, en alternance au sein de l’entreprise Miroiterie Targe." Un choix de carrière que le tout récent médaillé d’or ne regrette pas. "J’ai découvert le métier de miroitier lors de ma formation au CFA. Ça m’a tout de suite beaucoup plu. Surtout qu’en choisissant cette voie, j’avais la possibilité de participer aux Worldskills."

Ce concours, il l’a pourtant commencé sans vraiment trop y croire. "C’est Laurent Gressard, formateur à Dardilly, qui m’en avait parlé. Mais je me suis lancé un peu comme ça, sans grand esprit de compétition." Rapidement, Lilian Vallet s’est tout de même pris au jeu jusqu’à se préparer pendant des semaines pour la phase deux des finales. "Je savais que pour réussir, il allait falloir être très bon." Et il le serait jusqu’au bout

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Actionnariat salarié dans le groupe Riou Glass



La direction du groupe de miroiteries Riou Glass a décidé d’abonder à hauteur de 500 000 Euros afin d’inciter son personnel français ( 1000 salariés environs) à participer au capital de la société.

Selon la présidente du groupe Christine Riou Feron, ceci « a pour objectif de redonner du sens au travail et de partager la création de valeur de la société Riou glass »



Newsletters pierre

Used stone machines

Stone newsletter. October 2020

New CMS machine. Combined machine model KosmosJet. Bridge saw + waterjet cutting


New generation of 5-axis combined monobloc sawing machine, entirely managed by a

numerical control:

1. More machining limits thanks to the widest worktop in its class:

4000 mm x 2350 mm

2. Maximum protection against rust: the structure is made of hot-dip galvanized steel,

while the tank is made of stainless steel.

3. Minimum floor installation dimensions of the category: the machine occupies only

36.5 m2

4. Plate loading operations are facilitated thanks to the tilting table

whose height above the ground is only 380 mm

5. The machine is a real one-piece, compact and easy to install; it does not require

no type of foundation, so that it can be immediately operational.

The machine is equipped with an abrasive water jet cutting head which, operates in

combination with the diamond blade, automates the cutting of stone slabs

natural and composite when there are awkward cuts and interior angles.

The machine is designed for all marble works that cut stones

natural, composite and ceramic plates.

For more technical information or to receive a commercial offer, contact us on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or on 00 33 6 64 73 63 77. Thank you


Reopening of the white marble quarry in the Pyrénées-Orientales, France


the Council of State agrees with the operator of Vingrau's quarry

The Council of State returned to the cancellation of the prefectural decree authorizing the reopening of the Nau-Bouques marble quarry, where 28 species of protected flora and fauna are listed.

Disappointment on the side of the Federation for natural spaces and the environment of the Pyrenees-Orientales. This Wednesday, June 3, 2020, the Council of State quashed the decree of the Marseille Court of Appeal which gave reason to the association. And for good reason this decision confirmed the cancellation of the prefectural decree authorizing the full reopening of the white marble quarry of Nau-Bouques (about eight hectares straddling Vingrau and Tautavel).


Ten years and building materials: what you need to know


As you probably know, the decennial ensures the important work of a building site or the inseparable elements of the building for a period of ten years. This protection is generally the business of craftsmen who put their hands to the work and carry out the most important work or likely to have serious consequences on the work in the event of damage. What you may not have known is that material suppliers may also need a decennial. We explain to you.

Building material suppliers: does the ten-year guarantee apply to me?

Whatever type of materials you provide, even more if they are specific, from the moment you have an advisory role in how your materials should be used (techniques, specific instructions, preparation, etc.) by the 'craftsman builder, then your ten-year civil liability may be engaged in the following cases:

• The improper use of your materials has resulted in a disaster impacting the solidity of the structure concerned

• The improper use of your materials has made the object for which the habitat was intended unfit

• The improper use of your materials has damaged an item of equipment inseparable from the frame

As a supplier, you should not take this lightly since the law, within this indicated perimeter, can attribute you the quality of manufacturer, likely to make you responsible.

How long have material suppliers been covered by the 10-year warranty?

Even if the Spinetta law dates from the 1970s and has changed little, in 2018 (February 28 n ° 17-15.962), the Court of Cassation ruled that material suppliers were affected by this obligation in terms of ten-year insurance.

The judgment remains vague after all and depending on the contract with your customers, your responsibility may be waived, however, to avoid any risk which could prejudice you personally (even if you exercise through a legal person), it's best to have up-to-date coverage.


Rocalia report, natural stone fair, in Lyon


Rocalia 2019 is positioning itself more than ever as the meeting point for natural stone in France, organized jointly with Paysalia.

This second edition has kept all its promises and presents a very positive outcome!

An exhaustive and rare quality offer was deployed in a friendly atmosphere where business, creativity and enthusiasm made this edition a unique gathering rich in meetings and exchanges.

29,912 professional visitors to all two fairs came to discover the innovations, technical solutions and quality products from 148 suppliers representing a total of 256 exhibitors and brands.

In a structured market and with a strong need for visibility, Rocalia is a very good promotional tool for the natural stone sector.

Increase in the number of exhibitors: + 18%

36% foreign visitors

Increase in the number of visitors: + 13%


Build in natural stone


Pierre Actual and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris - Belleville are pleased to invite you to the "Building in stone today" Symposium which will take place on January 24, 2020 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm at the School National Superior of Architecture of Paris - Belleville (60, boulevard de la Villette - 75019 Paris).

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Marbrerie à reprendre région Lyon

Un de nos clients cherche à reprendre une marbrerie région Lyon

Pour plus d’infos nous contacter sur This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ou au 06 64 73 63 77. Merci



Logo Comascotec, Used stone processing machines

Stone newsletter. Autumn 2019


Official presentation of the IGP Pierres marbrières de Rhône Alpes


Wednesday, December 4, at the Rocalia show, the French salon of natural stone, at 11 o'clock.

Presentation by the association Rhônalpi in the presence of Pascal Faure director general of the INPI


Removal of the Van den Bogaert marble works

The Belgian marble worker has just moved into new, more spacious premises. It is now located at:

Marbrerie Van den Bogaert BVBA

Rue André Feher, 7

6900 Marche-en-Famenne (Z.I. Aye)



Next Rocalia

Salon of the stone in Lyon.

Rocalia continues to grow. The exhibition to be held in Lyon from 3 to 5 December 2019 will see a clear increase in the number of exhibitors (125 in 2017) and presumably the number of visitors (14580 in 2017)


Xiamen stone fair changes dates

Less than 5 months before the scheduled dates, while visitors and exhibitors have already had to book hotels and travel arrangements.

The new dates of the fair are from 16 to 19-03-2020


The geographical indication 'Pierres marbrières de Rhône-Alpes'.


The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) has opened a public inquiry concerning the geographical indication "Pierres marbrières de Rhône-Alpes".

The specifications for this geographical indication request are available on the INPI website, by clicking on this link, and the public inquiry, open to all, is open until 12 June 2019.

For more information, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 00 33 664 73 63 77. Merci




Logo Comascotec. Used stone machines

Stone newsletter. April and May 2019



Marbrerie of the East in France. More than 30 years of existence



For 31 years, the Marbrerie de l'Est has provided tiling, sandstone, granite, etc., individuals and professionals of Moselle-Sud. The company makes the screed, the laying sometimes. Between big and small building sites, and the retail sale, the company knew to pass between the drops of the crises. To become a reference


Denis Bents founded the Marbrerie de l'Est in 1988. The former member of the local music group Evasion has earned a reputation for choice in the flooring industry.

In 31 years, how many individuals and businesses have crossed the doors of this large store specializing in flooring, located behind large drying towers in Lorquin? If the number is not listed, the durability of the Marbrerie de l'Est testifies to the quality of its know-how. "We have never really advertised," smiled the manager, Denis Bentz, installed behind his desk of course consisting of a slice of marble.


In the walls that house some 4,000 m² of storage and sales space, there are thousands of references, "for all prices," says the boss. "But I only sell tiles with a good rating Upec (wear, punching, water, chemical agents)," he says. With great speeches, he prefers the satisfaction of the customers and a tiling which will pass the pangs of the time. This is his best communication plan.

Founded in 1988, the Marbrerie de l'Est is housed in the former premises of the Weiler kitchens in Lorquin. Originally from Walscheid, Denis Bentz was looking for a large, moderately priced building, so as not to pose financial problems in the accounts of his fledgling business.


"I had a partner for the first two years. We created everything from scratch, "says the entrepreneur. Then he continued alone. The adventure was intense and the nights were short. "At the time, between the time we decided to start and the opening of the store, barely three months have passed," he recalls. His years as foreman at the marble mill Niderviller had allowed him to acquire legitimacy in the middle. It remained to create the structure, to find the machines.

"I knew how to surround myself with employees who I could trust, it's really important."

During the short preparation phase, Denis Bentz and his partner left for the Vosges. They had a phenomenal stroke of luck. "We came across a second-hand debtor for 45,000 francs." The machine is still there. "She never broke down," the boss marvels. Others, more recent, have joined since.

Two employees were hired at startup. It was necessary to find the building sites: outside the town hall of Réding, it was them. What to carve a reputation. More recently, they took care of the grounds of the Sarrebourg funeral home, the Walscheid retirement home, and so on. Without rejecting smaller projects or advice and sales to individuals.


Today, looking at the years in the mirror of the time, Denis Bentz still wonders how he was able to do all this. The unconsciousness of youth certainly has its share of responsibility. "I do not count the hours either. And he knew how to surround himself with "employees whom I could trust, it's really important".

After 31 years of existence, his company is adapting to the passage of time: customers who are keen on environmental protection will even be able to discover a range of tiles made of recycled metal, solar panels, etc. We are not stopping progress at the Marbrerie de l'Est.

Renewal of operation of a quarry, in France

The renewal of exploitation of the Bois d'Atré quarry has been authorized for a period of 30 years. The prefectural decree is searchable in Saint-James town hall.


By an order signed on February 5th, the prefecture of La Manche authorized the Sarl "Granit d'Atré" to "exploit an open pit quarry of granite, ...


Breton granite and its IG

Despite its reputation for quality, Breton granite is difficult to market. Foreign competition is raging. Breton granitiers rely on regional certification to return to the front of the stage. A Breton identity card to ensure the future.

In the Dinan basin (22), three yellow granite companies closed in less than a year. The indestructible granite breton is it at this point in decline of speed? "It's not so much the quarries that disappear, explains the president of the Breton granitiers, it is especially the factories of transformation. About fifty in fifteen years have closed one after the other. It's a catastrophe. That's more than 1,500 fewer jobs in SMEs, the largest of which today has about a hundred jobs. " For Jean-Marie Bégoc, the report is bitter: "We lack of building sites, it's like that after each election. But this time it's worse than usual with the decline in state endowments. And foreign competition is tough.

Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish

In France, granite is little used in facade cladding, it is rather confined to roads and funerary monuments. For curbs, pavers and other pavements, Chinese products have managed to prevail for several years, despite protests from users. "In Brest, for the tram, we had to fight to get a third of the yard. The Chinese pavement was until 2013, 30% cheaper, despite the cost of transport. Since then, parity with the dollar has changed the game and Chinese granite has increased. Its rating has also dropped due to poorly delivered orders (bad formats) or disintegration of stone as in this German station that had to partly deconstruct. However, the Bretons are not happy, they must now face European competition: the Portuguese low-paid labor and Spain who has invested European funds in its factories. Not to mention that the Chinese continue to offer unbeatable prices for funerary monuments ready to pose.


The "Geographical Indication" file is accepted


What future for Breton granitiers? Give up the regional stone in colors blue, white, yellow and pink? Shaping Chinese granite blocks shipped from Xianmen, the "Chinese Rungis" of granite? Granitiers have not said their last word. "The public owners seem attentive to the local preference. We recently obtained a section of the tram in Paris. The elect support us. There is an awareness of jobs and the quality of the material, "remarks Christian Corlay, Secretary General of Unicem Bretagne (the National Union of Quarry Industries and Building Materials). To favor the regional granite, the tenders introduce more and more often environmental criteria (bad for the granite of importation) and quality (good for the Bretons). Still need to identify the Breton granite. Hence the desire of the granitiers to obtain a regional certification with a "geographical indication" as defined in the Hamon law of March 2014 which extended the concept of PGI to non-food products. But we are ready. The association "IG Granit of Brittany", organization of defense and management, was created. At stake, fifty companies and nearly 800 jobs. "And also the notoriety of the Breton heritage. "



Sarl Jean louis Patients in liquidation since 28 01 2019 in Creuse Department, France. Specialized in the size of the granite stone size particular and MH.

If interested contact Scp Ponroy agent or by mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Le Gal marbre, France

Le Gal Marbre et Design is one of the five winners of the 2018 Audacity Awards. Its manager was awarded the "Digital Transformation" trophy for launching innovative customer relationship tools.

"The candidacy to the Audacity Awards has allowed me to look at how far we've come since 2012," says Jean-Jacques Vivier. This son of Côtes d'Armor farmers joined forces with Sylvain Le Gal five years ago, at the head of the company Gal Marbre and Design located in Montoir de Bretagne and specialized in decoration marble.

Legal Marbre relies on digital tools


The first year of eighteen months had a turnover of 2 million euros, but significant losses. Six years later, the trend reversed: "The turnover reached 2.6 million euros with a positive result," rejoices Jean-Jacques Vivier. A dozen jobs have been created to reach 24 employees. The keys to this success? "The product that is super beautiful," says the entrepreneur, "and men and women".

Seize digital tools

Jean-Jacques Vivier describes himself as "an affective", listening to those around him: "Sylvain Le Gal is my big brother, I do not take a decision without him," he says . "We also listened to our sales people to understand the needs of customers."

The desire to provide more services has resulted in the development of an online quote platform and an application dedicated to receipt reports. Thus, the professionals, 80% of the customers, carry out the steps themselves and modify the data directly if necessary. This standardization of billing saves customers and the company time. The quote conversion rate is no longer important. "The digital and the artificial intelligence are unavoidable and that interests me", underlines Jean-Jacques Vivier.

Shared recognition


These innovations earned Le Gal Marbre and Design the Audacity Award for "Digital Transformation", organized by the CARENE Saint-Nazaire Audacity business brand. "I had a lot of fun participating," says the manager. "I was very moved to receive the award, it was a good moment of recognition for the teams and for me." The € 2,000 reward was distributed to employees.

Gal Marbre et Design continues its production of furniture for kitchens and bathrooms by focusing on the improvement of its services. "Between the validation of the plans and the pose, six days pass," says Jean-Jacques Vivier, "a delay on which we worked a lot." For better planning management, one person was employed in November and a work program is shared online with clients. After years at 20% growth, the goal in 2019 is to control this figure around 10% and an organization always more comfortable and serene.



Company closing, Arteni marble works in France

The company Arteni-Le Gal, specialized in the manufacture of funerary monuments, closed its doors a few weeks ago.

This will not fail to be relieved by the many motorists who use daily the RD 155, between Fougères and the A 84.


Located in Saint-Germain-en-Coglès, the site of an area of approximately two hectares, with important buildings of granite work, is indeed on the edge of the departmental.

Arteni (Arts and techniques of granite) and the Marbrerie Le Gal, of Fougères, had merged in 2013, employing about twenty employees.

The two companies themselves had recently been taken over by the Serenium funeral group.

It is now part of the national group OGF, under the sign Dignité funéraire.


The provençal marbrerie rewarded


The Provençal marble company from France who celebrated his 70th birthday was taken over 30 years ago by Denis Riocreux.


Since then, it has grown from one to twelve employees. An exceptional result for this lover of stone who has passed crafts and tradition to the level of requirements and technologies of the twenty-first century. The machine park is fully digitized and self-financed, with an investment of € 150000 per year, the company constantly adapts its response capacity to changing demands. In terms of achievement, the company also uses the contest of designers to be at the forefront of modernity.

But this equipment is not at the expense of tradition since the know-how is patiently cultivated within society. With a very low turnover, employees stay up to 25 years, we can say that the company knows how to retain talent. She has also obtained the prestigious labels of business of living heritage and that of crafts. This innovative company with respect for tradition, whose main objective is quality, is an example that the city wanted to salute.


Sale Soliani Marble in France

Michel Dauphin, the last of the family, has just passed his hand. To retire.

For Laurent Heyser, who takes over the oldest family business of Moyeuvre-Grande, the funeral parlor and marbrerie Paquin-Dauphin, it is also a real change of course.

"I was a truck driver. Wanting to change jobs, I took a training course in 2015 at the Robert funeral home in Pont-à-Mousson. For a year, since early 2018, I worked with Michel Dauphin to perfect my experience, "he says.

Since early January 2019, the company belongs to Laurent Heyser.

Family saga

"The company was created in 1923 by Edmond Paquin, who works with his brother Augustin," recalls Michel Dauphin. "At the time, he was responsible only for the transport of coffins to the church and the cemetery ..." In 1935, he bought a business of pearl funeral wreaths and granite crosses of the city. "The carpenter who made the coffins feared for his work and created problems. That's when my grandfather decided to sell coffins. "

The Soliani marble also

The daughter of Edmond, Simone, is offered a shop at No. 35 rue Foch, for the sale of crowns and crosses. In 1953, she married André Dauphin, who began to work in the company. In 1958, Edmond Paquin retired and shared his business. His son Jean prefers to keep the coal trade. The funeral service returns to Simone and takes the name of Paquin-Dauphin funeral parlor. The funeral will become the SARL Paquin-Dauphin in 1980. Around 1995, the couple decides to sell. Michel Dauphin, one of the two sons of André and Simone Dauphin, acquires the business and moves to 33, rue Foch. He will also take over the Soliani marble shop in 1997. It is this set that he has just sold to Laurent Heyser. But the name - the funeral parlor Paquin-Dauphin - remains relevant.

Four employees, eight individual

The Paquin-Dauphin company has four full-time employees, two at the marble and two funeral homes, to which must be added eight vacant, one of which prepares the diploma of master of ceremonies. Laurent Heyser, funeral director and marble worker, is married and has four children. One of the children starts working as a temporary ... A new saga?

Mec, new splitting line

We are pleased to present you a manual splitting system for processing of large gneiss blocks. The plant is completely customized according to the customer requirements / indications

the first split, it is necessary to move the piece back for split it again in half. In order to provide this kind of handling and processing, Mec has studied aparticular moving system, replacing the tables of the machine with special chain conveyors that also pass under the blades. Furthermore, there are two movable mobile hydraulic arms, that can reach any point of the stone block. They accommodate the handling of the piece for the operator in exact and correct point, where a lot of repositioning is required. This particular stone handling system allows to obtain a constant split in exact vein direction of the material.


The splitting head of the machine, is equipped with swinging blade in order to follow the plan of the stone. Besides it, this kind of blades with their specific properties guarantee a very high quality splitting profile.

If your customers have also veined materials, even of large dimensions, and they desire to split them, please contact us at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


more information This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



12 JUNE 15, 2019 Stone in Portugal

Held in Portugal since 2003, STONE - Trade Fair dedicated to the natural stone sector, is currently considered as the best show of the sector in the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal ranks 8th in the world rankings of ornamental stone producers, because of the wide variety of natural stones it contains, including marble, granite and limestone.


STONE was born and raised, in this context, with the aim of promoting and spreading Portuguese ornamental rock in foreign markets and with the greatest ambition to highlight national exports.


STONE takes place in the center of the country, in Batalha, near the limestone massif of Extremadura, in a region that has many limestone explorations and a large number of limestone extraction and transformation companies. This fact allows visitors, in addition to visiting exhibitions, the opportunity to visit quarries and business premises.




Main sectors


// Natural stone

// Blocks

// slabs

// Finished products (flooring and coatings, fireplaces, kitchen and bathroom counters, sculptures and decorative panels)

// Machinery and equipment for the extraction and treatment of stone

// Accessories, tools, abrasives and other products for stone work

// Software and support services for the industry

// Press and associations

more information This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Used stone machines logo


Stone newsletter. January 2019

Le Gal marble, France


Le Gal Marbre et Design is one of the five winners of the 2018 Audacity Awards. Its manager was awarded the "Digital Transformation" trophy for launching innovative customer relationship tools.

"The candidacy to the Audacity Awards has allowed me to look at how far we've come since 2012," says Jean-Jacques Vivier. This son of Côtes d'Armor farmers joined forces with Sylvain Le Gal five years ago, at the head of the company Gal Marbre and Design located in Montoir de Bretagne and specialized in decoration marble.

Legal Marbre relies on digital tools


The first year of eighteen months had a turnover of 2 million euros, but significant losses. Six years later, the trend reversed: "The turnover reached 2.6 million euros with a positive result," rejoices Jean-Jacques Vivier. A dozen jobs have been created to reach 24 employees. The keys to this success? "The product that is super beautiful," says the entrepreneur, "and men and women".

Seize digital tools

Jean-Jacques Vivier describes himself as "an affective", listening to those around him: "Sylvain Le Gal is my big brother, I do not take a decision without him," he says . "We also listened to our sales people to understand the needs of customers."

The desire to provide more services has resulted in the development of an online quote platform and an application dedicated to receipt reports. Thus, the professionals, 80% of the customers, carry out the steps themselves and modify the data directly if necessary. This standardization of billing saves customers and the company time. The quote conversion rate is no longer important. "The digital and the artificial intelligence are unavoidable and that interests me", underlines Jean-Jacques Vivier.

Shared recognition


These innovations earned Le Gal Marbre and Design the Audacity Award for "Digital Transformation", organized by the CARENE Saint-Nazaire Audacity business brand. "I had a lot of fun participating," says the manager. "I was very moved to receive the award, it was a good moment of recognition for the teams and for me." The € 2,000 reward was distributed to employees.

Gal Marbre et Design continues its production of furniture for kitchens and bathrooms by focusing on the improvement of its services. "Between the validation of the plans and the pose, six days pass," says Jean-Jacques Vivier, "a delay on which we worked a lot." For better planning management, one person was employed in November and a work program is shared online with clients. After years at 20% growth, the goal in 2019 is to control this figure around 10% and an organization always more comfortable and serene.


Company closing, Arteni marble works in France

The company Arteni-Le Gal, specialized in the manufacture of funerary monuments, closed its doors a few weeks ago.

This will not fail to be relieved by the many motorists who use daily the RD 155, between Fougères and the A 84.


Located in Saint-Germain-en-Coglès, the site of an area of approximately two hectares, with important buildings of granite work, is indeed on the edge of the departmental.

Arteni (Arts and techniques of granite) and the Marbrerie Le Gal, of Fougères, had merged in 2013, employing about twenty employees.

The two companies themselves had recently been taken over by the Serenium funeral group.

It is now part of the national group OGF, under the sign Dignité funéraire.


The provençal marbrerie rewarded

The Provençal marble company from France who celebrated his 70th birthday was taken over 30 years ago by Denis Riocreux.


Since then, it has grown from one to twelve employees. An exceptional result for this lover of stone who has passed crafts and tradition to the level of requirements and technologies of the twenty-first century. The machine park is fully digitized and self-financed, with an investment of € 150000 per year, the company constantly adapts its response capacity to changing demands. In terms of achievement, the company also uses the contest of designers to be at the forefront of modernity.

But this equipment is not at the expense of tradition since the know-how is patiently cultivated within society. With a very low turnover, employees stay up to 25 years, we can say that the company knows how to retain talent. She has also obtained the prestigious labels of business of living heritage and that of crafts. This innovative company with respect for tradition, whose main objective is quality, is an example that the city wanted to salute.


Sale Soliani Marble in France

Michel Dauphin, the last of the family, has just passed his hand. To retire.

For Laurent Heyser, who takes over the oldest family business of Moyeuvre-Grande, the funeral parlor and marbrerie Paquin-Dauphin, it is also a real change of course.

"I was a truck driver. Wanting to change jobs, I took a training course in 2015 at the Robert funeral home in Pont-à-Mousson. For a year, since early 2018, I worked with Michel Dauphin to perfect my experience, "he says.

Since early January 2019, the company belongs to Laurent Heyser.

Family saga

"The company was created in 1923 by Edmond Paquin, who works with his brother Augustin," recalls Michel Dauphin. "At the time, he was responsible only for the transport of coffins to the church and the cemetery ..." In 1935, he bought a business of pearl funeral wreaths and granite crosses of the city. "The carpenter who made the coffins feared for his work and created problems. That's when my grandfather decided to sell coffins. "

The Soliani marble also

The daughter of Edmond, Simone, is offered a shop at No. 35 rue Foch, for the sale of crowns and crosses. In 1953, she married André Dauphin, who began to work in the company. In 1958, Edmond Paquin retired and shared his business. His son Jean prefers to keep the coal trade. The funeral service returns to Simone and takes the name of Paquin-Dauphin funeral parlor. The funeral will become the SARL Paquin-Dauphin in 1980. Around 1995, the couple decides to sell. Michel Dauphin, one of the two sons of André and Simone Dauphin, acquires the business and moves to 33, rue Foch. He will also take over the Soliani marble shop in 1997. It is this set that he has just sold to Laurent Heyser. But the name - the funeral parlor Paquin-Dauphin - remains relevant.

Four employees, eight individual

The Paquin-Dauphin company has four full-time employees, two at the marble and two funeral homes, to which must be added eight vacant, one of which prepares the diploma of master of ceremonies. Laurent Heyser, funeral director and marble worker, is married and has four children. One of the children starts working as a temporary ... A new saga?

Mec, new splitting line

We are pleased to present you a manual splitting system for processing of large gneiss blocks. The plant is completely customized according to the customer requirements / indications

the first split, it is necessary to move the piece back for split it again in half. In order to provide this kind of handling and processing, Mec has studied aparticular moving system, replacing the tables of the machine with special chain conveyors that also pass under the blades. Furthermore, there are two movable mobile hydraulic arms, that can reach any point of the stone block. They accommodate the handling of the piece for the operator in exact and correct point, where a lot of repositioning is required. This particular stone handling system allows to obtain a constant split in exact vein direction of the material.


The splitting head of the machine, is equipped with swinging blade in order to follow the plan of the stone. Besides it, this kind of blades with their specific properties guarantee a very high quality splitting profile.

If your customers have also veined materials, even of large dimensions, and they desire to split them, please contact us at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



12 JUNE 2019 Stone in Portugal

Held in Portugal since 2003, STONE - Trade Fair dedicated to the natural stone sector, is currently considered as the best show of the sector in the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal ranks 8th in the world rankings of ornamental stone producers, because of the wide variety of natural stones it contains, including marble, granite and limestone.


STONE was born and raised, in this context, with the aim of promoting and spreading Portuguese ornamental rock in foreign markets and with the greatest ambition to highlight national exports.


STONE takes place in the center of the country, in Batalha, near the limestone massif of Extremadura, in a region that has many limestone explorations and a large number of limestone extraction and transformation companies. This fact allows visitors, in addition to visiting exhibitions, the opportunity to visit quarries and business premises.




Main sectors

// Natural stone

// Blocks

// slabs

// Finished products (flooring and coatings, fireplaces, kitchen and bathroom counters, sculptures and decorative panels)

// Machinery and equipment for the extraction and treatment of stone

// Accessories, tools, abrasives and other products for stone work

// Software and support services for the industry

// Press and associations



Used stone machines Comascotec

Stone newsletter. November 2018

A new team for the next marble festival, France

For several years, Marie Penetro has participated in courses organized as part of the summer festival, sculpture and marble at St. Beat.


The presidency of the association "Marbles and Arts" in Saint-Beat has changed hands. At the general assembly which was held on November 10 in the presence of about forty participants, the president Séverine Aït-Cheikh passed the torch to Marie Penetro, all confident for the continuation of the festival. Annick Peremiquel has been kept in her position as treasurer; Maryline Calestroupat proposed to resume the duties of secretary. "I really want to thank Séverine for the way she has passed the baton," says Marie Penetro, who is familiar with the association and its sculpture and marble festival in which she participated for 8 years: at the marble workshop but also to those of stone and bronze. Marie Penetro is a professional painter in the Gers, but remains the child of the country: de Fos where she kept family ties. It is thus by answering the call for candidacy launched by Séverine Aït-Cheikh that Marie finds herself projecting at the head of the association, with by her side, the return of Jean-Jacques Abdallah, formerly and again at the controls artistic coordination. "The festival is important to me. My application was spontaneous. This festival is a nugget for Saint-Beat and the territory elsewhere. It must be recognized at its true value, at the height of what it is and truly represents. Quality will be one of the strong points on which we will work to make this festival even more prestigious. There is also a lot of work to be done in terms of communication and for that, we can count on the help of Quentin Batiot. He is a student and volunteers to work on this indispensable point, "explains Marie, who like her predecessor, has the same fierce desire to see local and departmental politicians get involved. "The marble festival is a real tourist and economic asset. Everyone has to own it, "she says. The newly established team has already turned to the 2019 festival. A task, and not least for all volunteers who will take over the organization of this major event in Comminges.



Sale of the marble company Bar, in France

After 40 years in the "Bar House", the family business created by his grandfather both stonemason and sculptor Guillaume in 1929, taken over by his father, Pierre, and his mother in 1959, and by herself Since 1992 and their retirement, Nadine Bar says "sell with confidence and relief his business funeral-funerary funerary chamber Funeral Chambéry Chambéry and Associated Commons Chambery (PFCCA). Nadine Bar will continue to advise in the 400 square meter store in Modane, just as the headmaster of Mauritian private operator Jérôme Gazzino keeps his prerogatives at the workshop. In spite of the repurchase, the Modan society keeps its name of "funeral of the Vanoise", under which it is well identified in the valley.


Portugal: A landslide causes at least 5 deaths near a marble quarry

A landslide in Portugal destroyed part of the road that ran along marble quarries and caused the death of d

WEAKNESSES A landslide resulted in the death of 5 people in southeastern Portugal, four more are missing. The damage is impressive: a road was partially destroyed.

At least five people were killed on Monday following a landslide that partially destroyed a road running through a marble quarry in southeastern Portugal, emergency services said. Four others were missing.



"The 5 casualties are quarry workers who were in this area during the landslide," José Ribeiro, commander of the Evora District Civil Protection, told the media.

According to the medical emergency service (Inem), the four missing persons were on board "two civilian vehicles" traveling on the road that collapsed into a "50-meter deep" crevasse.

The vehicles would have fallen into a basin formed at the end of the quarry, making it difficult to search for missing persons.

The region of Borba, located some 200 kilometers east of the capital Lisbon, is renowned for its many marble quarries since ancient times.



CTMNC Technical Day Wednesday 03 April 2019

We are pleased to inform you that the CTMNC is organizing its 12th Technical Day on Wednesday 03 April 2019 at SNROC (3, rue Alfred Roll - 75017 Paris) on the theme:


"Prescribe well in natural stone"


The program and a registration form will be available soon.


Please note in your diaries this date of Wednesday 03 April 2019, come and let us know!


Rocalia 2019: The halls fill up in Lyon.

We are now at one year from the opening of the second edition of the Salon Rocalia, natural stone show to be held in Lyon (3-5 December 2019) and the exhibition space has been filled in recent weeks . The success of the first edition led many exhibitors of 2017 to renew their participation, very often by increasing their booth space. Many others who were there in 2017 are also being renewed and new ones have slipped into the collective.



Grand Marbrerie ceases activity in Bulle, Switzerland  20 jobs deleted

After 70 years in the field of marble, the bull company R. Grand & Fils SA, one of the important Swiss mills will cease its activity next spring. The twenty people concerned will receive their salaries until the end of the contractual deadlines.

It is a historical company of the Bulloise place which ceases its activity. Active for 70 years in the marble, R. Grand & Fils SA will indeed close its doors in the spring of next year.

According to the owners, Grand brothers the two sectors in which the company operates are in a negative trend. "There is the funeral art that sees more and more people choosing cremation rather than burial, and the building whose foreign competition has become extremely strong," the company writes in a statement.

But according to some sources of the granite market in Switzerland the marble company also pays its difficulties to evolve.


Ecological Marbriers of France create their own structure

On the initiative of Philippe Ledrans (Marbrerie des Yvelines) and some other French marble decorators, the Association of Ecological Marble Mills of France was created on June 1, 2018 ...


Tender, granite statue  in France


As part of the development of the town, elected officials wanted to highlight the granite. This development of granite has already begun with the exhibition "The stone song" of the sculptor Jean-Yves Menez, who died in 2016. She is behind the church. Now the town has a second project which is the installation of a monumental sculpture on the church square. The call for projects has just been launched on the following theme: "Tribute to granite: its past, present or future".

This project will be done in collaboration with the company Marc SA and Eric Hillion, who will open a workshop on its site Languédias to allow the realization of the easiest possible work. "It's a matter of paying tribute to the soil and the people who worked this stone, the picous, and the granite basin," said Christian Gicquel, ajdoint and in charge of the file.


The quarry will provide the required block (s) and it will be offered three colors (pearl gray, red and beige), knowing that the three colors can be used. The project is open to professionals or artists, either individually, as a team or via an association. The candidate will have to propose his vision of the work supported by a sketch and a short description (it will be refused copies of work). Submission of the files no later than February 28, 2019. The choice will be decided in committee. The project could begin in April 2019 and last six weeks.



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Sale lot quartz slabs


QUARTZ slabs batch - sacrificed price -65%

Due to the discontinuation of Quartz and Composites, a marble factory sells its stock at a shock price. Whole slabs, of different colors and thicknesses (listing on request), protected from climatic aggressions. About 160M2, to be withdrawn in only 1 time, in 1 point of storage.

Price of sale of the lot: 4000 € HT or 25 € HT M2 (purchase value of the lot: 12 000 € HT).


Location: Provence Côte d'Azur. France


For a list of slices and colors and go to the park slabs contact us on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 00 33 664 73 63 77. Thank you





Logo stone used machines, marble granite

Stone newsletter. October 2018



Sale lot quartz slabs

QUARTZ slabs batch - sacrificed price -65%

Due to the discontinuation of Quartz and Composites, a marble factory sells its stock at a shock price. Whole slabs, of different colors and thicknesses (listing on request), protected from climatic aggressions. About 160M2, to be withdrawn in only 1 time, in 1 point of storage.

Price of sale of the lot: 4000 € HT or 25 € HT M2 (purchase value of the lot: 12 000 € HT).

Location: Provence Côte d'Azur. France

For a list of slices and colors and go to the park slabs contact us on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 00 33 664 73 63 77. Thank you



Gray granite Tarn retained by Toulouse, France

We know the pavement that will develop the forecourt of the canal between the Matabiau bridge and the Riquet bridge: on the central part, facing the station, it will be a gray granite Tarn identical to that of Bayard Street and aisles Jean Jaurès. A choice that ensures a will of continuity and readability of the facilities between the station and the city center.

On the north and south-boulevards Bonrepos and Pierre Sémard, pavement coverings are planned: for the greenway side Canal du Midi: a serious limestone emulsion and for the pavement side side: a shot blasted with granite border. A coating that will allow both the ease of maintenance and the possible modification of street furniture.


The company Marsac becomes Design Marbrerie

Under the Marbrerie Design brand, Laurent Benoiton took over the Marsac company from rue d'Artiges in Chauvigny.


Previously settled in Mignaloux-Beauvoir, Laurent and Émilie Benoiton have taken over since July 1, the chauvinist company of funerary marble Marsac, located rue d'Artiges.

Under the brand Design Marbrerie, the couple, from the Indre, offers in the continuity the sale of monuments, vaults, plaques, artificial flowers and all cemetery works. "Taking over the Marsac business was a great opportunity for us. It brings us a good volume of business, "says the new manager, who has done some work of redevelopment of the office and offers every month an offer on an exhibition monument.

(1) The establishment of Mignaloux will soon be closed.

Design Marbrerie, 27, rue d'Artiges in Chauvigny



The opening of the two museums is still scheduled for autumn 2021. The first building of this project, the Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts, will be inaugurated in October 2019.


The first stone of the building designed to house the Musée de l'Elysée and the mudac in Platform 10 in Lausanne was laid Friday. A white marble cube of two parts symbolically marks the meeting of these two entities.

Started in early June, the work is progressing according to schedule and the opening of the two museums is scheduled for autumn 2021, says a statement from the township, the city and the various institutions. This construction site corresponds to the second stage of Platform 10, a museum hub, or "arts district", which will be built on 25,000 m2 just a stone's throw from the railway station in the Vaudois capital.

The first building of this project, the Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts, will be inaugurated in October 2019.

Marble stone

In order to symbolize the meeting of the Elysée Photography Museum, directed by Tatyana Franck, and that of the Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts (mudac) led by Chantal Prod'Hom, the architects opted for a cube, composed of of two white marble elements. "The two parties put one on the other take the image of the two institutions, and touch in three points," said the statement.

To attend the installation of this stone by state councilors Pascal Broulis and Cesla Amarelle, the trustee of Lausanne Grégoire Junod and the directors of both museums among others, some 500 people had made the trip. Politicians, sponsors, SBB representatives, cultural circles or the economy.

For the Musée de l'Elysée, this new building should allow it to double the exhibition surfaces and to bring together the collections' conservation areas by tripling their volume. The mudac will see him doubled his exhibition spaces.

100 million

The overall budget of this project is 100 million francs. It includes 40 million from the state of Vaud, 20 million from the City of Lausanne and 40 million from contributions from patrons and private partners.




The mosaic technique allows you to make drawings, frescoes, friezes, floor coverings ... by assembling small pieces of various materials. The most diverse materials are used such as: clear or colored pieces of glass, silver, wood, shells, various stones ... These recovery materials often called tesserae or cassons can be used as such or re-cut. But we can also use materials made for this purpose such as Briare enamel (proposed in a thickness of 3 cm and forty different colors) Venetian smalt (with in this case the almost infinite choice of shades in a thickness of one cm).

The material used will depend on its availability, but also on the desired application (mosaics of floors made of wear-resistant hard stones, mosaics for pools resistant to water and treatment products, interior or exterior mosaics ...) .

The elements constituting the mosaic are glued on the support using suitable products (cements, coatings, various glues ...)

The technique of mosaic is to form patterns, figures, friezes ... from pieces broken and cut, multicolored, called tesserae or cassons (for broken tiles) and assembled with putty or plaster. We can use ceramic fragments, stone, glass paste or even marble (hard and crystalline rock that is suitable for floor mosaics), Briare enamels (3 mm thick and more than 35 different colors), or Venetian smalt (about 1 cm thick and several hundred colors). But we can also use pebbles, shells, broken mirrors, slate ...


Three different techniques


The choice is made according to the support, the destination and the size of the mosaic:


• the direct method is practiced in situ and consists in directly sticking the tesserae to the place on the support


• the direct method on net (appeared 20 years ago) is done at first in the workshop: the tesserae are pre-glued to the place on a fiberglass frame which is then fixed on the final support, in situ . This technique, often used to create large sets or frescoes, allows to deliver a mosaic ready to pose and thus, to reduce the time of intervention on the building site


• The indirect method (invented in the middle of the 19th century) is also done in the workshop: the pattern to be made is reversed compared to the original because the tesserae are glued upside down on a temporary support, usually made of kraft paper. In some cases, a wooden frame, set around the mosaic, will then be used as formwork to sink a bed of mortar. After drying, the mosaic is turned over, the kraft paper is removed and the mosaic fixed in one piece on the site. If in the direct method, we can play on the thickness of the materials to give relief effects, the indirect method, on the contrary, favors a completely flat surface even with different thicknesses of materials. What is interesting for making table tops or floor slabs


Mortar or tile adhesive


The tesserae and cassons are glued with a mortar made from a volume of cement for a volume of sifted river sand (0.2 mm in diameter), all added water. To slow the setting time (in the case of small tesserae), it is possible to add one or two volumes of non-hydraulic lime to this mortar as well as natural pigments (oxides or earth) to color it when no joint finishing is not planned. Today, this binder - which requires a perfect control of the time of implementation - is more and more neglected in favor of industrial adhesive mortars, identical to those used by tilers, offering different setting times.


Marble company creation Eclypse, France

Ely Labaye worked in the building. On the occasion of an experience in funeral parlor, he became passionate about the marble industry.

He has just created, in Aigurande (36), his masonry-marble business, Eclypse. It offers as main services the laying of vaults, the maintenance of burials and the creation of funerary monuments. He also practices marble work in the renovation of buildings, bathrooms and pool surrounds.



Carrara marble 1


The famous Carrara marble is not only a symbol of luxury. The site has especially become one of the high places of calcium carbonate extraction, used in particular in the manufacture of toothpastes. An industrial exploitation that disfigures the landscape and is accompanied by deaths on construction sites, pollution and resource grabbing by a local elite and international actors, including the bin Laden family and the Swiss multinational Omya.


The whiteness of the place is misleading. From a distance, the quarries of Carrara recall the contours of a glacier. Approaching, it is a mining basin that spreads before our eyes, an off-white tablecloth laid on the flanks of the Apuan Alps. On this summer day, dozens of trucks loaded with rough marble blocks crisscross the mountains devoured by diggers. In these steep paths, our 4x4 vehicle struggles to climb to the Michelangelo quarry, where marble statuario is extracted, one of the most expensive, sold up to 4,600 francs per ton.

Here a dozen workers are busy under a blazing sun. Riccardo, 52, including thirty in the Tuscan quarries, tackles a block of marble with a diamond wire saw. The heat is stifling. "In summer, the yard is a real furnace. In winter, it is cold and wet, "blows the son and grandson of a miner. He explains with pride what his job is, before concluding: "I hope, however, that my son will do something else in life."


High risk work

In careers, despite the efforts made in recent years, security is not flawless. On July 11, a block of marble stored in a warehouse collapsed with Luca Savio, 37, father of a little boy. A few weeks earlier, in May, another worker lost his life, Luciano Pampana, 58, crushed by a digger. "The slaves continue to shed their blood in Carrara," exclaimed Father Raffaello during his homily: "The Apuan Alps have been savagely scarred and if not many have taken advantage, some have become very rich!"

"Slaves continue to shed their blood in Carrara"

Don Raffaele, priest of Carrara






Angelo Mangiarotti, a marble master at RBC Paris


The Parisian showroom of RBC, located in the 15th arrondissement, offers until November 23, an exhibition dedicated to the Italian master of architecture and design Angelo Mangiarotti (1921-2012). On the sidelines of the Paris Design Week, this exhibition named "Angelo Mangiarotti: skilful reflections" presents the iconic creations of the master, marble and wood, which are reissued since 2010 by Agapecasa, the entity positioned on the habitat and the contract d'Agape, an Italian company specializing in the world of high-end bathroom. The creations on display reflect the designer's ability to imagine marble furniture without joints or tightening: the Eros tables (1971) for example, consist of a frustoconical foot - wider at the base than at the top - which supports the plateau by simple gravitational embedding, the whole being blocked by the weight of the material, which gives lines of a great simplicity and purity.


The creator goes even further with the Eccentrico elliptical tables, which consist of an elliptical plane inserted asymmetrically into an inclined cylindrical foot, the whole holding in balance thanks to a learned calculation of distribution of forces. Agapecasa also reissues Mangiarotti's equally inspired wooden creations: a system patented more than 50 years ago, the Cavaletto library is a modular program consisting of an inverted V-shaped trestle element, which can be superimposed thanks to a simple gravitational joint, and can accommodate shelves to block by a "dovetail" assembly. As for the Incas table, with its legs trunk-pyramidal trapezoidal section, it is declined by the manufacturer as well as marble solid wood.




Logo Comascotec. Used stone machines

Stone newsletter. April 2018


Périgueux, France capital of the granite pavement



The capital of the pavement, this is how Périgneux was named in the 1900s, with 9 quarries and nearly 400 workers who worked there.

Today, there remains only one granite site, that of Rochains, inaugurated in 1983. The convention of this career has just been renewed by the mayor for a period of thirty years.

Indeed, nearly 70,000 tons of granite are produced and distributed throughout the department, while 750 tons are reserved for the municipality and intended for the maintenance of rural roads in particular. An activity all the more advantageous for the economy because 70 to 100 trucks leave the site every week.


Search marbrery for sale

An investor looking for a marbrery to buy, rather southern half of France or area with strong tourism potential.

Contact us on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Anastay Marble, France

The Marbrerie Anastay, named after its creator, has managed the crazy bet of crossing the century, transmitting from uncle to nephew, and adapting to the demand. But by maintaining its values that make all its reputation.

For 125 years, the marble has specialized in the decoration of upscale homes, hotels, relays and castles, restaurants, professionals and individuals.

Marbrerie Anastay is an active member of the Atelier des Marbriers Façonniers® of France, a collective that reconciles "Roches & Savoir-faire" at the service of human well-being ...

Since 1968, the requirement of the Workshop obliges its territorial workers to a set of skills: expert, technical, eclectic & creative, to innovate, to sublimate its creations.

The Marbrerie Anastay is labeled Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV).

Marbrerie Anastay, EPV

Path of the Cemetery, Châteaurenard de Provence

13160 Châteaurenard


Promotion book on natural stone (design public works in stone)

The C.T.M.N.C. piloted the publication of a very complete and very educational book on the design and construction of stone public spaces.

The nine chapters of this 320-page book cover:

1. the requalification of the public space,

2. the diversity of stones and stone products,

3. the characteristics of the stones and order of the products,

4. the design of roadways in cobblestones and natural stone slabs (structural dimensioning, geometrical dimensioning),

5. implementation,

6. the training of the men of the art,

7. maintenance and operating conditions of roads and public spaces,

8. the stone for sustainable development,

9. technical sheets for the construction of apparatus and boards of standard structures.


35 Euros instead of 52.75 Euros to be ordered directly from Pierre Actual




Newsletter stone marble granite. March 2018


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Newsletter stone, March 2018


New red marble altar from Languedoc for the cathedral of Soisson, France.


Since late February, the wooden altar of the cathedral is covered with a red paper, ribbed white. It is a reproduction of his future appearance. It must be replaced by a block of marble "cherry Carcassonne", dark red.

Indeed, the current altar of Saint-Gervais-et-Saint-Protais was to be temporary.

The diocese has issued a call for donations to finance this new altar




Resumption of Rocamat

Rocalia has scarcely extinguished her fires, that the pure and hard news of the trade regains her rights.

The record of this end of the year and probably early 2018, is obviously that of the future of Rocamat, in receivership since early November. What will happen to the French number one natural stone? Continuing its activities with the same shareholders? The arrival of new owners for a global recovery? Or for a partial recovery with sales of some other assets? The arrival of foreign shareholders?

Answers to these and other questions about Rocamat are a key issue for the French stone industry, which, in this period of economic recovery, needs a fit leader, which boosts promotion and growth. diffusion of the French stone, in the Hexagon and in the World.

A first consequence of the difficult situation of Rocamat, was the election at the head of SNROC of Sylvain Laval who succeeds Pierre Brousse, owner of Rocamat, who had preferred to leave the head of the union, some time before the official announcement of the recovery of his company.


Article by Pierre Actual




2016 marble exports


Leading Turkey with (in value) 42% of the world market. Then comes Italy with 17% of the market, then almost equal Greece and Spain with 8%, Iran with 6%, Portugal with 3%, Pakistan with 2% and finally India with 1%. %.



Rocalia 2017: 14,705 thank you!


125 exhibitors, 14,580 visitors, Rocalia 2017 the stone fair, pulverized the expected figures of its audience. When it was launched, we bet on a hundred or so exhibitors and 3,000 visitors over three days ... The success has therefore far exceeded all our expectations, which, moreover, is not measured only by only participation figures.


The Rocalia team


The Darget marble in Oloron, France will move.

Two birds with one stone. Marble Darget is building new premises at the entrance of the city that will allow their workshop to expand.

Created in 1946, by Laurent Darget, the stone cut marble company has continued and was developed by René Darget.

Currently, Stéphane Darget represents the third generation in family continuity.


The original workshop was located downtown, facing the Cathedral Ste Marie d'Oloron. The use of new materials necessitated its transfer to the outskirts of the city, to Saint Pée d'Oloron. The exhibition and sales store is maintained at 10, Cathedral Square. In more than sixty years, the evolution of techniques and machine tools has been considerable. The marble industry has seen the chisel, the chisel to engrave, the logs to hoist the heavy loads, then the mechanization, the automation, and today the digital one.


The company, located near the quarry basin of marble and stone Arudy, is naturally qualified to work all types of limestone, granite and other French or foreign minerals. Continuing the traditional manufacture of funerary monuments and colombariums, we oriented the activity in the field of stones for door and window frames, corner chains of houses, massive sinks, fountains, fireplaces as well as worktops for kitchens and bathrooms.





Beltrami and Brachot join forces. Since November 10, 2017, the Beltrami Group, an international wholesaler specializing in natural stone with subsidiaries in Belgium (Harelbeke and Bruges), the United Kingdom and France, has ceded control of the group to Brachot-Hermant. This sale promises to strengthen their position in the natural stone market and accelerate the development for the two companies Beltrami group and for Brachot.

Proof that continuity and consolidation in the natural stone and construction sector continue. A Belgian anchor With the sale of the Beltrami group, Brachot-Hermant sets up a powerful Belgian group with a direct presence in Belgium, France, the United Kingdom and Poland. In combination with know-how, product mix and human capital, this transfer will generate many synergies. Complementarity that has advantages in terms of supply, cost structure, customer and supplier files and day-to-day management of the company. The two Beltrami and Brachot-Hermant family holdings are completely family-owned businesses that have been in existence for several decades and are active in the extraction, import, production and distribution of natural stone tiles and slabs. Brachot-Hermant still belongs entirely to the Van Overberghe family. Beltrami, for its part, was founded in 1986 by the Callewier family. The latter is now out of the capital and sells all its shares to Brachot-Hermant.

Former owner Herwig Callewier, however, will continue to serve as Beltrami's General Manager and will be in charge of the integration of the two UK subsidiaries and the group's six French subsidiaries. Bram Callewier, his son, will continue to manage it daily and will be responsible for the development of the Internet division. Father and son will also join Brachot's board of directors to ensure continuity with customers, staff and suppliers. The sale of Beltrami Group allows Brachot-Hermant to create a vertically integrated company, with consolidated annual turnover of 140 million euros and 550 employees. Complementary brands The Beltrami, and Brachot brand names will be kept on the market because, in addition to complementing each other, they will be strengthened over time, both geographically and in terms of products. In the short term, particular attention will be paid to the integration and broadening of the offer in order to propose in 2018 a uniform, clear and rich range on the market. Consolidation in the sector The sale is part of Beltrami's family monitoring. Herwig Callewier, General Manager: "For some time, consolidation has been going on in the natural stone sector, both for suppliers and customers. As a wholesaler, we need to ride this trend and adapt. Margins are dwindling and economies of scale are needed. With this transfer, the two players join forces in terms of expertise, supply and geographic deployment, while aspiring to joint progress and new opportunities. Dirk Van Overberghe, managing director of Brachot-Hermant: "We intend to continue developing Beltrami and's successful formula. Beltrami has a good market position, competent and motivated employees, a large customer base and reliable suppliers. With the new management, the group will seize the opportunities to further deploy Beltrami, and Brachot brands in the European market. "


Degroof Petercam attended Brachot-Hermant, in the acquisition of the Beltrami group.

The corporate finance team of Degroof Petercam advised Brachot-Hermant in the structuring, negotiation and execution of the transaction. This is the third time that Degroof Petercam has assisted the Brachot Group in making an acquisition, after advising the group on two buybacks in 2013.




Monumento software, granite Michel Maffre

For some time now, Bernard Maffre has been broadcasting videos featuring the integrated software Monumento, developed by the company Granits Michel Maffre.

Monumento, closer to the marblework needs

The development of Monumento has been enriched to always be close to the needs of funerary marble. As a reminder, this application integrated to the site of Granits Michel Maffre can model live a funerary monument.

From now on, it is possible thanks to an immediate 3D preview, to show the monument from every angle, and to add options: vases, planters, urns ...

The plans with their sides, the sharing of the funerary monument for the family thanks to a personalized link, as well as the costing are always available and at the heart of a system which allows an optimal saving of time.

The funeral home showed that the arrival of technologies for the profession was effective, and Monumento is one of the proofs. Studied for marble workers, it aims to be a tool for commercial development useful to all, and easy to handle.

A community of marble workers

Bernard Maffre is also at the origin of the creation of a Facebook group Monumento, so that all the users can put back their ideas and suggestions to bring even more improvements.

The application therefore aims to evolve according to the needs of its users, more and more and convinced of the usefulness of such a tool, both interactive for families, and thought of as a tool for sales support precious. Monumento is the reactivity and the improvement of the image of a marbrerie as to its professionalism.




Comascotec logo. Stone used machines

Stone newsletter. January 2018

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Resumption of Rocamat


Rocalia has scarcely extinguished her fires, that the pure and hard news of the trade regains her rights.

The record of this end of the year and probably early 2018, is obviously that of the future of Rocamat, in receivership since early November. What will happen to the French number one natural stone? Continuing its activities with the same shareholders? The arrival of new owners for a global recovery? Or for a partial recovery with sales of some other assets? The arrival of foreign shareholders?

Answers to these and other questions about Rocamat are a key issue for the French stone industry, which, in this period of economic recovery, needs a fit leader, which boosts promotion and growth. diffusion of the French stone, in the Hexagon and in the World.

A first consequence of the difficult situation of Rocamat, was the election at the head of SNROC of Sylvain Laval who succeeds Pierre Brousse, owner of Rocamat, who had preferred to leave the head of the union, some time before the official announcement of the recovery of his company.


Article by Pierre Actual




2016 marble exports

Leading Turkey with (in value) 42% of the world market. Then comes Italy with 17% of the market, then almost equal Greece and Spain with 8%, Iran with 6%, Portugal with 3%, Pakistan with 2% and finally India with 1%. %.



Rocalia 2017: 14,705 thank you!


125 exhibitors, 14,580 visitors, Rocalia 2017 the stone fair, pulverized the expected figures of its audience. When it was launched, we bet on a hundred or so exhibitors and 3,000 visitors over three days ... The success has therefore far exceeded all our expectations, which, moreover, is not measured only by only participation figures.


The Rocalia team


The Darget marble in Oloron, France will move.

Two birds with one stone. Marble Darget is building new premises at the entrance of the city that will allow their workshop to expand.

Created in 1946, by Laurent Darget, the stone cut marble company has continued and was developed by René Darget.

Currently, Stéphane Darget represents the third generation in family continuity.


The original workshop was located downtown, facing the Cathedral Ste Marie d'Oloron. The use of new materials necessitated its transfer to the outskirts of the city, to Saint Pée d'Oloron. The exhibition and sales store is maintained at 10, Cathedral Square. In more than sixty years, the evolution of techniques and machine tools has been considerable. The marble industry has seen the chisel, the chisel to engrave, the logs to hoist the heavy loads, then the mechanization, the automation, and today the digital one.


The company, located near the quarry basin of marble and stone Arudy, is naturally qualified to work all types of limestone, granite and other French or foreign minerals. Continuing the traditional manufacture of funerary monuments and colombariums, we oriented the activity in the field of stones for door and window frames, corner chains of houses, massive sinks, fountains, fireplaces as well as worktops for kitchens and bathrooms.




Beltrami and Brachot join forces. Since November 10, 2017, the Beltrami Group, an international wholesaler specializing in natural stone with subsidiaries in Belgium (Harelbeke and Bruges), the United Kingdom and France, has ceded control of the group to Brachot-Hermant. This sale promises to strengthen their position in the natural stone market and accelerate the development for the two companies Beltrami group and for Brachot.

Proof that continuity and consolidation in the natural stone and construction sector continue. A Belgian anchor With the sale of the Beltrami group, Brachot-Hermant sets up a powerful Belgian group with a direct presence in Belgium, France, the United Kingdom and Poland. In combination with know-how, product mix and human capital, this transfer will generate many synergies. Complementarity that has advantages in terms of supply, cost structure, customer and supplier files and day-to-day management of the company. The two Beltrami and Brachot-Hermant family holdings are completely family-owned businesses that have been in existence for several decades and are active in the extraction, import, production and distribution of natural stone tiles and slabs. Brachot-Hermant still belongs entirely to the Van Overberghe family. Beltrami, for its part, was founded in 1986 by the Callewier family. The latter is now out of the capital and sells all its shares to Brachot-Hermant.

Former owner Herwig Callewier, however, will continue to serve as Beltrami's General Manager and will be in charge of the integration of the two UK subsidiaries and the group's six French subsidiaries. Bram Callewier, his son, will continue to manage it daily and will be responsible for the development of the Internet division. Father and son will also join Brachot's board of directors to ensure continuity with customers, staff and suppliers. The sale of Beltrami Group allows Brachot-Hermant to create a vertically integrated company, with consolidated annual turnover of 140 million euros and 550 employees. Complementary brands The Beltrami, and Brachot brand names will be kept on the market because, in addition to complementing each other, they will be strengthened over time, both geographically and in terms of products. In the short term, particular attention will be paid to the integration and broadening of the offer in order to propose in 2018 a uniform, clear and rich range on the market. Consolidation in the sector The sale is part of Beltrami's family monitoring. Herwig Callewier, General Manager: "For some time, consolidation has been going on in the natural stone sector, both for suppliers and customers. As a wholesaler, we need to ride this trend and adapt. Margins are dwindling and economies of scale are needed. With this transfer, the two players join forces in terms of expertise, supply and geographic deployment, while aspiring to joint progress and new opportunities. Dirk Van Overberghe, managing director of Brachot-Hermant: "We intend to continue developing Beltrami and's successful formula. Beltrami has a good market position, competent and motivated employees, a large customer base and reliable suppliers. With the new management, the group will seize the opportunities to further deploy Beltrami, and Brachot brands in the European market. "


Degroof Petercam attended Brachot-Hermant, in the acquisition of the Beltrami group.

The corporate finance team of Degroof Petercam advised Brachot-Hermant in the structuring, negotiation and execution of the transaction. This is the third time that Degroof Petercam has assisted the Brachot Group in making an acquisition, after advising the group on two buybacks in 2013.



Monumento software, granite Michel Maffre

For some time now, Bernard Maffre has been broadcasting videos featuring the integrated software Monumento, developed by the company Granits Michel Maffre.

Monumento, closer to the marblework needs

The development of Monumento has been enriched to always be close to the needs of funerary marble. As a reminder, this application integrated to the site of Granits Michel Maffre can model live a funerary monument.

From now on, it is possible thanks to an immediate 3D preview, to show the monument from every angle, and to add options: vases, planters, urns ...

The plans with their sides, the sharing of the funerary monument for the family thanks to a personalized link, as well as the costing are always available and at the heart of a system which allows an optimal saving of time.

The funeral home showed that the arrival of technologies for the profession was effective, and Monumento is one of the proofs. Studied for marble workers, it aims to be a tool for commercial development useful to all, and easy to handle.

A community of marble workers

Bernard Maffre is also at the origin of the creation of a Facebook group Monumento, so that all the users can put back their ideas and suggestions to bring even more improvements.

The application therefore aims to evolve according to the needs of its users, more and more and convinced of the usefulness of such a tool, both interactive for families, and thought of as a tool for sales support precious. Monumento is the reactivity and the improvement of the image of a marbrerie as to its professionalism.