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Miroiterie : Flabeg France qui avait changé de propriétaire en 2007 placé en liquidation judiciaire




Flabeg France, installé à Sarrewerden, dans le Bas-Rhin, était l'un des derniers sites en Europe de production de miroirs de rétroviseurs et de pare-soleil pour l’industrie automobile. L'entreprise a été placée en liquidation judiciaire par la chambre commerciale du tribunal de Saverne. La maison mère, allemande, avait annoncé à la mi-janvier le dépôt de bilan de cette filiale.

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Cevino achète BMV


Le groupe nordiste de produits verriers Cevino Glass avance en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Il vient de racheter BMV, une entreprise de Feyzin (Rhône) spécialisée dans la trempe du verre plat. Cette activité représente 4 millions d'euros de CA avec plus de 20 salariés.

« Cette acquisition présente un caractère stratégique », témoigne Thierry Gautier, président fondateur du groupe Cevino (Dubrulle...) « BMV permet à Cevino Glass de renforcer sa présence en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et d'y jouer des synergies avec Lukora, une entreprise de Tarare, dans le Rhône, acquise en 2020. » Cette dernière, réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 9 millions d'euros avec 50 salariés.


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La miroiterie Targe, championne d’Europe de miroiterie avec Laure Vereecken


Travaillant à la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, Laura Vereecken est de plus la toute première championne d'Europe de miroiterie. Un titre, obtenu en 2021, qu'elle doit… un peu au hasard.

Dans une profession qui reste encore très masculine, Laura Vereecken est une pionnière. Elle est, et restera, la première à avoir inscrit son nom au palmarès des Euroskills en catégorie miroiterie"Avant 2021, année où j'ai gagné, l'épreuve n'existait pas", indique la jeune miroitière qui, a 26 ans, est salariée de la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, depuis deux ans.

Un succès que la Nordiste d’origine doit presque au hasard. "Tout a commencé lors d'une journée portes ouvertes dans un lycée pro de Tourcoing. Je voulais me renseigner sur la sérigraphie ou l'ébénisterie mais je me suis perdu et suis tombée devant le stand de miroiterie." Une révélation.

Pour Laura Verrecken, la divine surprise des Euroskills miroiterie

Un CAP en poche, elle s'inscrit finalement en brevet des métiers d'art et découvre les Worldskills. "C'est un formateur, expert national, qui m'a poussé à m'inscrire." Gagnante de l'épreuve régionale, elle termine ensuite troisième des finales nationales, en 2018, à Caen. "Et là, j'ai eu un coup de chance, puisque les deux candidats qui m'avaient précédé ont déclaré forfait pour les championnats d'Europe."


Et une autre médaille d’Or pour la miroiterie Targe


le Graal pour Lilian Vallet

Le jeune apprenti, en alternance au sein de la Miroiterie Targe, a remporté la seule médaille d’or régionale pour la filière bâtiment et travaux publics.

Une image parle souvent plus fort que les mots. Pour s’en convaincre, il suffit de jeter un coup d’œil à la cérémonie de clôture des Worldskills et à la joie qui a envahi Lilian Vallet à l’annonce des résultats de l’épreuve de miroiterie. Médaillé d’or, le représentant de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes a eu du mal à cacher son émotion. Dans sa tête défilait sûrement tout le travail parcouru pour arriver à ce fantastique résultat…

Pour lui, tout a démarré à l’âge de 15 ans. "J’ai commencé par un CAP en menuiserie aluminium et verre, au CFA de Dardilly, explique le jeune de 19 ans, originaire de Chalon-sur-Saône. Et j’ai poursuivi par deux ans de BP avant de débuter un bac pro au lycée professionnel Gustave-Eiffel, en alternance au sein de l’entreprise Miroiterie Targe." Un choix de carrière que le tout récent médaillé d’or ne regrette pas. "J’ai découvert le métier de miroitier lors de ma formation au CFA. Ça m’a tout de suite beaucoup plu. Surtout qu’en choisissant cette voie, j’avais la possibilité de participer aux Worldskills."

Ce concours, il l’a pourtant commencé sans vraiment trop y croire. "C’est Laurent Gressard, formateur à Dardilly, qui m’en avait parlé. Mais je me suis lancé un peu comme ça, sans grand esprit de compétition." Rapidement, Lilian Vallet s’est tout de même pris au jeu jusqu’à se préparer pendant des semaines pour la phase deux des finales. "Je savais que pour réussir, il allait falloir être très bon." Et il le serait jusqu’au bout

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Actionnariat salarié dans le groupe Riou Glass



La direction du groupe de miroiteries Riou Glass a décidé d’abonder à hauteur de 500 000 Euros afin d’inciter son personnel français ( 1000 salariés environs) à participer au capital de la société.

Selon la présidente du groupe Christine Riou Feron, ceci « a pour objectif de redonner du sens au travail et de partager la création de valeur de la société Riou glass »





Beltrami and Brachot join forces. Since November 10, 2017, the Beltrami Group, an international wholesaler specializing in natural stone with subsidiaries in Belgium (Harelbeke and Bruges), the United Kingdom and France, has ceded control of the group to Brachot-Hermant. This sale promises to strengthen their position in the natural stone market and accelerate the development for the two companies Beltrami group and for Brachot.

Proof that continuity and consolidation in the natural stone and construction sector continue. A Belgian anchor With the sale of the Beltrami group, Brachot-Hermant sets up a powerful Belgian group with a direct presence in Belgium, France, the United Kingdom and Poland. In combination with know-how, product mix and human capital, this transfer will generate many synergies. Complementarity that has advantages in terms of supply, cost structure, customer and supplier files and day-to-day management of the company. The two Beltrami and Brachot-Hermant family holdings are completely family-owned businesses that have been in existence for several decades and are active in the extraction, import, production and distribution of natural stone tiles and slabs. Brachot-Hermant still belongs entirely to the Van Overberghe family. Beltrami, for its part, was founded in 1986 by the Callewier family. The latter is now out of the capital and sells all its shares to Brachot-Hermant.

Former owner Herwig Callewier, however, will continue to serve as Beltrami's General Manager and will be in charge of the integration of the two UK subsidiaries and the group's six French subsidiaries. Bram Callewier, his son, will continue to manage it daily and will be responsible for the development of the Internet division. Father and son will also join Brachot's board of directors to ensure continuity with customers, staff and suppliers. The sale of Beltrami Group allows Brachot-Hermant to create a vertically integrated company, with consolidated annual turnover of 140 million euros and 550 employees. Complementary brands The Beltrami, and Brachot brand names will be kept on the market because, in addition to complementing each other, they will be strengthened over time, both geographically and in terms of products. In the short term, particular attention will be paid to the integration and broadening of the offer in order to propose in 2018 a uniform, clear and rich range on the market. Consolidation in the sector The sale is part of Beltrami's family monitoring. Herwig Callewier, General Manager: "For some time, consolidation has been going on in the natural stone sector, both for suppliers and customers. As a wholesaler, we need to ride this trend and adapt. Margins are dwindling and economies of scale are needed. With this transfer, the two players join forces in terms of expertise, supply and geographic deployment, while aspiring to joint progress and new opportunities. Dirk Van Overberghe, managing director of Brachot-Hermant: "We intend to continue developing Beltrami and's successful formula. Beltrami has a good market position, competent and motivated employees, a large customer base and reliable suppliers. With the new management, the group will seize the opportunities to further deploy Beltrami, and Brachot brands in the European market. "


Degroof Petercam attended Brachot-Hermant, in the acquisition of the Beltrami group.

The corporate finance team of Degroof Petercam advised Brachot-Hermant in the structuring, negotiation and execution of the transaction. This is the third time that Degroof Petercam has assisted the Brachot Group in making an acquisition, after advising the group on two buybacks in 2013.



Monumento software, granite Michel Maffre



For some time now, Bernard Maffre has been broadcasting videos featuring the integrated software Monumento, developed by the company Granits Michel Maffre.

Monumento, closer to the marblework needs

The development of Monumento has been enriched to always be close to the needs of funerary marble. As a reminder, this application integrated to the site of Granits Michel Maffre can model live a funerary monument.

From now on, it is possible thanks to an immediate 3D preview, to show the monument from every angle, and to add options: vases, planters, urns ...

The plans with their sides, the sharing of the funerary monument for the family thanks to a personalized link, as well as the costing are always available and at the heart of a system which allows an optimal saving of time.

The funeral home showed that the arrival of technologies for the profession was effective, and Monumento is one of the proofs. Studied for marble workers, it aims to be a tool for commercial development useful to all, and easy to handle.

A community of marble workers

Bernard Maffre is also at the origin of the creation of a Facebook group Monumento, so that all the users can put back their ideas and suggestions to bring even more improvements.

The application therefore aims to evolve according to the needs of its users, more and more and convinced of the usefulness of such a tool, both interactive for families, and thought of as a tool for sales support precious. Monumento is the reactivity and the improvement of the image of a marbrerie as to its professionalism.


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Marbrier confirmé. Offre d'emploi.

Offre d'emploi granitier


(Expérience exigée dans poste similaire – 3 ou 4 ans minimum)

Détail du poste : Travail en atelier pour la fabrication des plans de cuisine, salles de bains en granit, marbre, quartz…..

Façonnage, polissage, finitions, collages…..

En extérieur : aide à la pose


CDD 3 mois pouvant déboucher sur CDI

Salaire : 1 800 €  net par mois révisable rapidement selon compétences


Poste disponible immédiatement.

Posté basé en Isère.


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1. The name of the Geographical Indication

"Marble Stones of Rhône-Alpes"

2. The product (s) concerned

The Marbrières Stones of Rhône-Alpes are limestones formed in the Jurassic era and the Lower Cretaceous era, extracted in quarries located in a geographical area defined in point 3.

As an indication, the average values ​​of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the main Stones Marbrières of Rhône-Alpes are:

• Density value (NF EN 1936): between 2500 kg / m3 and 2810 kg / m3

• Open porosity value (NF EN 1936): between 0.3% and 3.0%;

• Flexural strength under center load (NF EN 12372): between 9.5 MPa and 23 MPa;

• Compressive strength (either NF EN 1926 or NF EN 772-1): between 139 MPa and 250 MPa;

• Wear resistance (NF EN 14157): between 18 mm and 35 mm.


The non-exhaustive list of different limestone materials that can claim the protection of the IG "Stones Marbrières de Rhône Alpes" is presented below:

• Chandoré Stone / Champdor

• Pierre de Chomérac

• Drom Stone / Revermont Stone / Chandolin Stone

• Grand Corent Stone / Yellow Valore

• Pierre de Hauteville

• Pierre de Labeaume

• Pierre Rocheret / Pierre-Châtel / Silver Roc

• Pierre de Romanèche / Pierre de Hautecourt

• Ruoms stone

• Saint-Baudille stone

• Pierre de Villebois / Montalieu

The geographical indication covers the following products:

at. Raw products: blocks extracted from quarries for cut stone, construction and decoration;

b. Semi-finished products: slices and products being finished;

c. Finished products, classified by family:

 New and old building (massive cut elements, thin elements, etc ...);

 Roads, urban and landscaping (Pavers of all types, slabs of all types, borders of all types, street furniture, landscape furniture, etc ...);

 Funeral (monuments and funerary articles, columbarium, etc ...);

 Any decorative furniture and real estate product (such as interior furniture etc ...).

Made from natural materials produced by extraction and processing processes except for any reconstituted and / or composite materials or products.

The finished product loses Geographical Indication at the first stage of the process outside the geographical area. Finished product means a product that will not be reworked outside the geographical area.

3. The delimitation of the geographical area or the associated determined place

The geographical area of ​​the IG Pierres Marbrières in Rhône-Alpes covers:

• For extraction operations: the departments of Isère (38) and Ain (01) and the department of Ardèche (07);

• For processing operations: all departments in the Rhône-Alpes region (01, 07, 26, 38, 42, 69, 73 and 74).

The extraction and processing operations of the products covered by the IG Pierres Marbrières de Rhône-Alpes must be carried out in this geographical area.

4. Quality, reputation, traditional know-how or other characteristics of the product concerned that can be attributed essentially to that geographical area or specific place, as well as the elements establishing the link between the product and the geographical area or associated determined place


The list below presents the formation dates of each of the Stones Marbrières of Rhône-Alpes:

• Hauteville: Lower Cretaceous - Valanginian - 136 to 140 Ma

• Chandoré: Lower Cretaceous - Valanginian - from 136 to 140 Ma

• Rocheret: Lower Cretaceous - Valanginian - 136 to 140 Ma

• Chomerac: Jurassic - Portlandian (Tithonian) - 145-150 Ma

• Labeaume: Jurassic - Portlandian (Tithonian) - from 145 to 150 Ma

• Ruoms: Jurassic - Portlandian (Tithonian) - from 145 to 150 Ma

• Drom: Jurassic - Portlandian (Tithonian) - from 145 to 150 Ma

• Grand-Corent: Jurassic - Kimmeridgian - from 150 to 155 Ma

• Villebois: Jurassic - Bathonian - from 168 to 166 Ma

• Saint-Baudille: Jurassic - Middle Bajocian - about 170 Ma

The totality of marble limestones of Rhone-Alps comes from marine deposits. These deposits were made in a sea of ​​tropical and shallow type. The hot temperature of the water favored the deposition of limestone (calcium carbonate). This sedimentation is both biodetitic and chemical, hence the presence of oolites. Some of these rocks then very slightly metamorphosed.

With regard to these parameters (richness in calcium carbonate, presence of oolites and a very slight metamorphism) we obtain a hard rock, compact, fairly homogeneous and "taking good polish". These petrographic characteristics are partly the definition of the ancient term "choin" which can be defined by "limestone (or stone) marbrière".


5. The identity of the defense and management body (ODG), its statutes, the list of initial operators it represents and the financial arrangements for their participation.

The association RHONAPI is the defense and management organization that manages the Geographical Indication "Pierres Marbrières de Rhône-Alpes".

6. Terms and periodicity of the controls carried out by the bodies mentioned in Article L. 721-9 of the Intellectual Property Code, as well as the financing methods for these controls. The terms include the product control points:

The tests to be carried out and to hold for the IG are:

• Identity tests;

• Employment skills tests;

• Additional tests for CE marking.

Paragraph supplemented by CERTIPAQ's proposal.

7. Reporting or record-keeping obligations to which operators must comply in order to enable verification of compliance with the specifications:

The reporting or record-keeping obligations that operators must meet to enable verification of compliance with the specifications are described in the following diagram:

9. Formalities of notice and exclusion of the operators in case of non-compliance with the specifications:

Paragraph supplemented by CERTIPAQ's proposal.

10. Projected funding from the GDO:

The ODG is financed mainly by operator fees.

11. Specific elements of labeling:

The products marketed under Geographical Indication "Stones Marbrières of Rhône-Alpes" will have to comprise all or part of the following information by way of labeling and / or by documentary way:


• "IG Stones Marbrières of Rhône-Alpes" or "Geographical Indication Marbrières Stones of Rhône-Alpes";

• The logo of the IG Pierres Marbrières of Rhône-Alpes;

The logo is in the process of reflection.

• The national logo of the PIA GIs as defined by regulation;

• the registration number of the GI;

• The authorization number of the quarry / processing unit;

• the name of the material sold;

• The name and address of the ODG;

• The name of the certification body and / or its logo.


12. Where applicable, the social and environmental commitments made by the operators grouped within the defense and management body:




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