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Miroiterie : Flabeg France qui avait changé de propriétaire en 2007 placé en liquidation judiciaire




Flabeg France, installé à Sarrewerden, dans le Bas-Rhin, était l'un des derniers sites en Europe de production de miroirs de rétroviseurs et de pare-soleil pour l’industrie automobile. L'entreprise a été placée en liquidation judiciaire par la chambre commerciale du tribunal de Saverne. La maison mère, allemande, avait annoncé à la mi-janvier le dépôt de bilan de cette filiale.

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Cevino achète BMV


Le groupe nordiste de produits verriers Cevino Glass avance en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Il vient de racheter BMV, une entreprise de Feyzin (Rhône) spécialisée dans la trempe du verre plat. Cette activité représente 4 millions d'euros de CA avec plus de 20 salariés.

« Cette acquisition présente un caractère stratégique », témoigne Thierry Gautier, président fondateur du groupe Cevino (Dubrulle...) « BMV permet à Cevino Glass de renforcer sa présence en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et d'y jouer des synergies avec Lukora, une entreprise de Tarare, dans le Rhône, acquise en 2020. » Cette dernière, réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 9 millions d'euros avec 50 salariés.


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La miroiterie Targe, championne d’Europe de miroiterie avec Laure Vereecken


Travaillant à la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, Laura Vereecken est de plus la toute première championne d'Europe de miroiterie. Un titre, obtenu en 2021, qu'elle doit… un peu au hasard.

Dans une profession qui reste encore très masculine, Laura Vereecken est une pionnière. Elle est, et restera, la première à avoir inscrit son nom au palmarès des Euroskills en catégorie miroiterie"Avant 2021, année où j'ai gagné, l'épreuve n'existait pas", indique la jeune miroitière qui, a 26 ans, est salariée de la Miroiterie Targe, à Lyon, depuis deux ans.

Un succès que la Nordiste d’origine doit presque au hasard. "Tout a commencé lors d'une journée portes ouvertes dans un lycée pro de Tourcoing. Je voulais me renseigner sur la sérigraphie ou l'ébénisterie mais je me suis perdu et suis tombée devant le stand de miroiterie." Une révélation.

Pour Laura Verrecken, la divine surprise des Euroskills miroiterie

Un CAP en poche, elle s'inscrit finalement en brevet des métiers d'art et découvre les Worldskills. "C'est un formateur, expert national, qui m'a poussé à m'inscrire." Gagnante de l'épreuve régionale, elle termine ensuite troisième des finales nationales, en 2018, à Caen. "Et là, j'ai eu un coup de chance, puisque les deux candidats qui m'avaient précédé ont déclaré forfait pour les championnats d'Europe."


Et une autre médaille d’Or pour la miroiterie Targe


le Graal pour Lilian Vallet

Le jeune apprenti, en alternance au sein de la Miroiterie Targe, a remporté la seule médaille d’or régionale pour la filière bâtiment et travaux publics.

Une image parle souvent plus fort que les mots. Pour s’en convaincre, il suffit de jeter un coup d’œil à la cérémonie de clôture des Worldskills et à la joie qui a envahi Lilian Vallet à l’annonce des résultats de l’épreuve de miroiterie. Médaillé d’or, le représentant de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes a eu du mal à cacher son émotion. Dans sa tête défilait sûrement tout le travail parcouru pour arriver à ce fantastique résultat…

Pour lui, tout a démarré à l’âge de 15 ans. "J’ai commencé par un CAP en menuiserie aluminium et verre, au CFA de Dardilly, explique le jeune de 19 ans, originaire de Chalon-sur-Saône. Et j’ai poursuivi par deux ans de BP avant de débuter un bac pro au lycée professionnel Gustave-Eiffel, en alternance au sein de l’entreprise Miroiterie Targe." Un choix de carrière que le tout récent médaillé d’or ne regrette pas. "J’ai découvert le métier de miroitier lors de ma formation au CFA. Ça m’a tout de suite beaucoup plu. Surtout qu’en choisissant cette voie, j’avais la possibilité de participer aux Worldskills."

Ce concours, il l’a pourtant commencé sans vraiment trop y croire. "C’est Laurent Gressard, formateur à Dardilly, qui m’en avait parlé. Mais je me suis lancé un peu comme ça, sans grand esprit de compétition." Rapidement, Lilian Vallet s’est tout de même pris au jeu jusqu’à se préparer pendant des semaines pour la phase deux des finales. "Je savais que pour réussir, il allait falloir être très bon." Et il le serait jusqu’au bout

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Actionnariat salarié dans le groupe Riou Glass



La direction du groupe de miroiteries Riou Glass a décidé d’abonder à hauteur de 500 000 Euros afin d’inciter son personnel français ( 1000 salariés environs) à participer au capital de la société.

Selon la présidente du groupe Christine Riou Feron, ceci « a pour objectif de redonner du sens au travail et de partager la création de valeur de la société Riou glass »



Growth of the stone industry in Algeria


Founded in 2016, Granittam, a subsidiary of the Hasnaoui Group of Companies (GSH), specializes in the stone industry from its initial phase of extraction to the final stage of processing and processing. It currently operates Tamanrasset quarries (Outoul, Aguenar, In Guezzam and Silet) and is dedicated to the processing and processing of stone, respectively in the south and north of the country. Omar Hasnaoui, General Manager of the GSH, explains in this interview the different phases that led to the launch of Granittam. Let us follow him.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​investing in the field of stone processing?

The idea started to sprout four years ago. After studies and consultations, we opted initially for a unit of 1000 m2 / day in the area of ​​Sidi Ali Benyoub, 23 km from Sidi Bel Abbes. We have thus created the subsidiary Alpostone and the installation of the necessary equipment at the level of Sidi Ali Benyoub's quarry. Then we contacted the Enamarbre to supply the new unit with blocks of marble.

Since the raw product was not available in sufficient quantity on the market, we started to import it from Spain before going south. In Tamanrasset, where we first started on the granite track, we found that there are varieties of marble of great quality: translucent white marble, pistachio green, brown ...

From there, the Granittam project began to take shape. It must be recognized, however, that the beginnings were not easy.


Can you be more explicit?

In the stone processing industry, the start of quarrying is not easy. This required extensive excavation work, mobilization of all types of gear and heavy investments. In Tamanrasset, we benefited from seven mining titles for the exploitation of marble and granite. Three production sites are already in operation in Silet and In Guezzam.

They started in the last quarter of 2016 and it is expected to reach, in the short term, a production of 3000 m2, with the possibility of quickly increasing this volume to 10 000 m2. The unit thus created covers 20 hectares, for an investment of about 219 billion centimes. The main objectives of Granittam are the satisfaction of the national needs in granite and marble, to stimulate the local production under a label of quality (Made in Algeria) with a better offer quality / price. We expect, by the end of 2017, to make the Tit plant operational.

Investing in a remote region like Tamanrasset has enough to generate significant operating costs, especially for transportation?

When we established the cost of our investments, we found that it is almost equal to that generated by the importation of marble.

As exploration progressed and after extensive prospecting, we realized that substantial savings in transportation costs could be realized. In furthering our market exploration, we found that some 300 large trucks supplying Tam with various products left virtually empty to the North.

This not only reduces transportation costs for blocks and finished products, but also provides additional revenue for experienced carriers and builds loyalty. In fact, the Tamanrasset region holds enormous investment opportunities, particularly in the construction sector. I can even tell you that Tamanrasset is like the north of the country 20 or 30 years ago, where almost everything is built. Real estate, tourism, building materials are, among other things, buoyant segments and containing enormous potential.


What about job creation in the Tamanrasset area?

Granittam has two components: a section dealing with quarrying stone and an industry component. It is expected to generate 700 jobs, including 500 permanent, in a first phase. We expect, after the completion of all phases of the project, to create 2000 jobs. The priority for GSH is to offer job opportunities to the local workforce. Today, in the far south, the Hasnaoui Group of Companies has made a commitment to use skilled local labor. And there are already in Tamanrasset trades adapted to the culture of the region.

Moreover, we were surprised by the existence of a cooperation program between Brazil and the Algerian Government for the training of trainers in the trades of handicrafts and marble processing.


Louis Decottegnie,

The family business that engraved Mouvaux in marble

Specialist in chimneys and marble since 1984, the company Louis Decottegnie has always remained attached to Mouvaux where family history has its origins. Today, the saga continues between tradition, quality and modernity.


It is impossible to talk about Louis Decottegnie without mentioning his family history and his attachment to the city of Mouvaux. We must go back in 1850 to find the first foundations by the grandfather, rue Mirabeau, which was called at the time the "Pavé bleu". Since then, the generations have succeeded one another and have continued to develop the company Decottegnie, specialized in building and tiling.


In the 50s, the young Louis Decottegnie naturally enters the family business where parents, uncle, brother and cousin also work. "I was 14 years old and I started my tiler training, recalls the manager. But already at the time, what I preferred was the chimneys! After his CAP, he quickly created the decoration marble workshop in the 60s. The specialization is so extensive that it forces the historical society to split in two: Louis takes his independence in 1984 with the creation of his own company "Louis Decottegnie".

Out of the question for the entrepreneur to leave Mouvaux. "We moved a lot inside Mouvaux without ever leaving it. Each time, we had to move for lack of space, remember, a bit amused, Louis Decottegnie. We settled for 10 years rue Marceau: the street was so narrow that we had to awaken the poor residents to move their cars every other day.


In 1993, it's back to rue Mirabeau, where a showroom is created. "A real click" for customers who can now get a more concrete idea of ​​their project. Marble, natural stones and composites, fireplace and inserts, fireplaces wood, gas, stoves are now exposed at Louis Decottegnie where twenty employees are active, marketing to the installation through the realization in the workshop.

Today, Louis Decottegnie remains the manager but has continued the family tradition leaving, 21 years ago, the reins to his son, Eric. "I do not make any decisions and I rely entirely on the new generation," says one who is still very active on the creation of new models by drawing his ideas on the Pinterest sharing network.

Over the decades, the company has reinvented itself to offer an offer in keeping with its time. And nothing seems to announce the end of the family saga: the grandson of 21 years has just officially entered the company after a year alternately. When the time comes to retire for his father Eric, it is he who should take the torch. His name ? Louis Decottegnie ...

Article written by Justine Pluchard de Nordeclair


Italy's prospect for stone in Cameroon


The Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Planning (MINEPAT) was yesterday at the Italian Embassy in Yaounde. In addition, Samuela Isopi announces that a mission of businessmen will arrive in Cameroon 2017 end for the construction sector, including marble, granite, stone and other materials.


New funeral Show in Paris


At Funeral Show, Isuzu Trucks will present its new m21 range, a partner of marble professionals.

Presentation by Isuzu Truck of its new range m 21

The 2017 edition of the Funeral Home will take place from 23 to 25 November at the Parc des Expositions Paris le Bourget. Isuzu Trucks will be present again this year at this major international meeting of funeral art.

On stand A41, Isuzu Trucks will exhibit its new range of utility cab chassis. Launched last September, the m21 range offers four major benefits: increased payload thanks to the new lighter and more modern drivetrain, increased reliability with reduced engine parts in motion, optimized engine efficiency with the new gearbox. speed and the absence of AdBlue, but also a cleaner vehicle thanks to the simplified pollution control system.

Isuzu Trucks, partner of the professionals of the marble works

For the past 15 years, Isuzu has been supporting marbleworkers with its range of commercial vehicles and truck-body trucks and cranes. The m21 range has been specifically designed to best meet the needs of marble workers. According to Étienne Biellmann, Network Manager Isuzu Trucks France, "this new vehicle, lighter, more efficient, still compact and robust, and which has a European homologation, perfectly meets the needs of the profession: facilitate transport and handling in the paths of the cemeteries ". Developed specifically for the craft of the marble, a new all-aluminum bucket with cabin rear crane, completes the existing offer on the PTC 7T5 heavy goods vehicles (P75).



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